Saturday, January 24, 2015
Netanyahu Coming to Town, Butthurt Congress to Clap More
Netanyahu Coming to Town, Butthurt Congress to Clap More
As we countdown to the end of the United States, the most evil man in the world, candidate number one for antichrist, Benjamin "Bibi gun" Netanyahu, is coming to tinsel town to visit his Congressional WHORES. All must clap like penguins on speed otherwise any resistance to the will of Satanyahu will cause AIPAC to give much butthurt.
AIPAC films our Congress to make sure all obey their god Satanyahu. The world is mad, if we had any real men with balls we would immediately arrest and jail Netanyahu before he kills anymore innocent women and children in Israel OR starts World War 3 with Russia and Iran, that leads to the death of billions. But the world is mad, the Jew reigns supreme, our elected reps are complete and total whores to the pig Jew demon state of Israel.
John Titor said ALL TIMELINES have the same "N day", 12 March 2015, at 3:45 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, now only 50 days away. The countdown continues, events are lining up nicely. Netanyahu will fan the flames for nuclear strike on Iran, his speech is schedules for February 11th, which will make the speech only 29 days till that predicted date! Does anyone see a big problem for the health of the American people?
Last time Satanyahu addressed OUR Congress, they clapped a record 29 times. This time the Jews will demand a show of even greater acquiescence, not one little bit of dissent will be tolerated. Any Congressman caught not incessantly clapping will probably be hauled out of session by jackbooted AIPAC thugs. All must bow down to hell or pay the consequences. So what this means is that we git to see a great comical show of many standing ovations from our WHORES!
"Bow down before the one you serve - you're going to get what you deserve" so go the song lyrics by NIN. All must obey the one and true god, Supremacist Jewry, and their earthly representative Satanyahu.
God money I'll do anything for you.
God money just tell me what you want me to.
God money nail me up against the wall.
God money don't want everything he wants it all.
no you can't take it
no you can't take it
no you can't take that away from me
no you can't take it
no you can't take it
no you can't take that away from me
head like a hole.
black as your soul.
I'd rather die than give you control.
head like a hole.
black as your soul.
I'd rather die than give you control.
bow down before the one you serve.
you're going to get what you deserve.
bow down before the one you serve.
you're going to get what you deserve.
God money's not looking for the cure.
God money's not concerned with the sick amongst the pure.
God money let's go dancing on the backs of the bruised.
God money's not one to choose
you know who you are.(Congress)
The problem isn't state-owned companies, the problem is state-owned companies run by corrupt governments and officials.
Oil Dinosaurs Face Extinction: State Oil Companies and the Meteor-Strike of Low Oil Prices
My thoughts
The problem isn't state-owned companies, the problem is state-owned companies run by corrupt governments and officials. Privatization has not benefited society in the long run. Resources are sold off well below their value, thousands of workers are fired, prices go up, efficiency goes down and there's less revenue for the government. The only people who really benefit are the wealthy.
Private companies are often far more corrupt than governments are. Indeed, they often corrupt governments.
The 'private' corporate giants are much larger, they may indeed being trying to destroy the state owned companies
Private enterprise is destroying the whole biosphere and this guy is singing its praises. There is no such thing as infinite growth on a finite planet. That is magical thinking. If humanity doesn't snap out of its delusion soon, all is lost.
We are now in the "Smash" phase of the plan.
In the "Grab" phase, all valuable and productive state assets all over the world will be "privatized".
I would highly recommend reading the Hirsch report from 2005. That transition needed to happen 20 years prior to peaking.
(Ironically, it came out the same year as the peaking of conventional oil production.)
Now to Continue on Hi Ho Silver I mean buy gold and Silver
State-owned oil companies that don’t slash expenses to align with revenues and boost critical investment in the infrastructure needed to maintain production will suffer financial extinction.
Domestic and international energy companies are responding to the 50% decline in the price of oil by doing what’s necessary to remain in business: they’re slashing payroll, postponing capital investments, delaying new projects and soliciting price cuts from suppliers and subcontractors.
We need to rethink state ownership. I find it difficult to believe that it is beyond the capacity of the human intellect to devise a system that is efficient and beneficial to the masses
This is the discipline of profit-driven capitalism: if expenses exceed revenues, profits vanish, losses pile up, capital contracts and eventually the company runs out of cash (and access to credit) and closes down.
Unfortunately for state-owned oil companies, the feedback of expenses, losses and access to credit are superceded by the need to feed hordes of parasites: the state-owned company exists not to generate profits but to fund large payrolls and support state officials and cronies.
Stripped of the discipline of markets and profits, state-oil companies exist to serve the interests of the state’s Elites and their cronies and favored constituents. As a result, critical infrastructure has fallen into obsolescence, capital investments have been hollowed out and the expertise needed to maintain production has eroded.
The state-owned oil companies are like dinosaurs: the extinction meteor of low oil prices has smashed their ecosystem, and all they can do is watch the sky darken as revenues crater and expenses and debt remain at unsustainably high levels
Case in point: the Brazilian state-run oil giant Petrobas is heavily in debt ($115 billion in 2013) and in danger of defaulting:
The firm has become one of the largest corporate borrowers in the world as it seeks to fund an investment program worth some $221 billion over the next five years, much of which is to develop huge oil fields that lie deep below Atlantic waters off the country’s southeast coastline.Brazilian state-run oil giant Petrobas faces threat of default on US$54 billion in debt:
Those efforts have turned Petrobras into the region’s most indebted company, with net debt of 268 billion Brazilian reais ($115 billion) at the end of 2013. That figure was 36% higher than at the end of 2012, in large part from depreciation of the Brazilian real against the dollar during 2013.
Brazil’s Petrobras May See Its Rating Downgraded
Moody’s Investors Service has placed Petrobras S.A.’s global foreign currency and local currency debt ratings on review for a possible downgrade. This would be the second time Petrobras’ debt ratings was downgraded by Moody’s after in October the oil giant’s debt ratings was downgraded from Baa1 to Baa2 stating that the company’s outlook remained negative.In March, before the corruption scandal broke, another risk ratings company, Standard & Poor’s cut Brazil’s debt rating to its lowest investment grade ‘due to the erosion of the country’s public accounts and slow economic growth.’
According to S&P the state-controlled oil company’s smaller projected liquidity and lower cash flow generation led to the downgrade.
Correspondent Mark G. explains the mechanics of the financial extinction process:
If Moody’s follows through then Petrobras will drop to Baa2, or two notches above junk. By the way, Rosneft is already at Baa2. And so is Lukoil. There are plenty of other Russian (and Brazilian) corporate debtors in this situation.
The question – which is almost completely political at this point – is what happens when Moody’s reduces its ratings on this BRICS paper to Ba1 and below where it belongs. i.e. Junkland.
1. There are plenty of US institutions that legally cannot hold this degraded paper in their portfolios after it drops to Ba1. Beginning with those perennial yield hogs, US based life insurance companies.
2. At this point hard-currency interest rates charged to the submerging market debtors will soar for rollover refinancing.
Thank you, Mark, for laying out the path to extinction. Hard-currency means the U.S. dollar (USD) in most cases, and as the currencies of oil exporting nations crater (see Russia, Nigeria, Brazil, et al.), the state-owned oil companies attempting to roll over debt or borrow enough to stave off insolvency are being hit with multiple meteors:declining currencies, ratings downgrades and plummeting revenues.
Companies that are being operated as going concerns are responding quickly and decisively to the meteor-strike of collapsing prices. State-owned oil companies that don’t slash expenses to align with revenues and boost critical investment in the infrastructure needed to maintain production will suffer financial extinction.
Source: Washington's Blog
My Future in Prison Kathy Kelly arrested for a loaf of bread and a letter to the commander of the base
My Future in Prison
Kelly was arrested when she accompanied other activists to the gates of Whiteman Air Force Base to deliver a loaf of bread and a letter to the commander of the base, which operates drones over Afghanistan, according to a release from Voices for Creative Nonviolence. She was tried and convicted in federal court in December.
By Kathy Kelly The Bureau of Prisons contacted me today, assigning me a prison number and a new address: for the next 90 days, beginning tomorrow, I’ll live at FMC Lexington, in the satellite prison camp for women, adjacent to Lexington’s federal medical center for men.
Very early tomorrow morning, Buddy Bell, Cassandra Dixon, and Paco and Silver, two house guests whom we first met in protests on South Korea’s Jeju Island, will travel with me to Kentucky and deliver me to the satellite women’s prison outside the Federal Medical Center for men.
In December, 2014, Judge Matt Whitworth sentenced me to three months in federal prison after Georgia Walker and I had attempted to deliver a loaf of bread and a letter to the commander of Whiteman Air Force base, asking him to stop his troops from piloting lethal drone flights over Afghanistan from within the base. Judge Whitworth allowed me over a month to surrender myself to prison; but whether you are a soldier or a civilian, a target or an unlucky bystander, you can’t surrender to a drone.
When I was imprisoned at Lexington prison in 1988, after a federal magistrate in Missouri sentenced me to one year in prison for planting corn on nuclear missile silo sites, other women prisoners playfully nicknamed me “Missiles.” One of my sisters reliably made me laugh today, texting me to ask if I thought the women this time would call me “Drones.”
It’s good to laugh and feel camaraderie before heading into prison. For someone like me, very nearly saturated in “white privilege” through much of this arrest, trial, and sentencing process, 90% (or more) of my experience will likely depend on attitude.
But, for many of the people I’ll meet in prison, an initial arrest very likely began with something like a “night raid” staged in Iraq or Afghanistan, complete with armed police surrounding and bursting into their home to remove them from children and families, often with helicopters overhead, sequestering them in a county jail, often with very little oversight to assure that guards and wardens treat them fairly. Some prisoners will not have had a chance to see their children before being shipped clear across the country. Some will not have been given adequate medical care as they adjust to life in prison, possibly going without prescribed medicines and often traumatized by the sudden dissolution of ties with family and community. Some will not have had the means to hire a lawyer and may not have learned much about their case from an overworked public defender.
In the U.S., the criminal justice system disproportionately incarcerates people of color for petty offences. Many take plea bargains under threat of excessive, punitive sentences. If I were a young black male, the U.S. penal system quite likely would not have allowed me to turn myself in to a federal prison camp.
I’ll be incarcerated in a satellite camp outside a medical facility where I expect the wards are crowded with geriatric patients. How bleak and unnecessary it is to confine people for decades. My friend Brian Terrell, who was incarcerated in Yankton, South Dakota for six months after crossing the line at Whiteman AFB, told me that while in prison he saw signs on the walls recruiting prisoners to train for medically assisting geriatric male prisoners. I shudder to think of our culture’s pervading callousness, pointlessly consigning so many aged people to languish in prison.
I will be free in three months, but our collective future is most assuredly shackled to a wrongheaded criminal justice system. I hope this compulsively vengeful and diseased criminal justice system will change during my lifetime. And I hope that my short sojourn inside Lexington’s prison walls will help me better understand and perhaps help shed some small light on the systems that affect other people trapped there.
During recent visits with concerned communities focused on drone warfare, many have helped me see a connection between the drone killings across Central Asia and the Middle East and the casual executions and incarceration of young black males in our own country.
In Afghanistan, where the noise of air strikes and civil war have faded to the buzz of drones and the silence of empty promises, our friends in the Afghan Peace Volunteers (APVs) continue their peace building efforts. Last week, eighty street children walked from the APV center to the Afghan Independent Human Rights Commission office to assert their right to education. Their signs expressed their determination to help create a school for street children. One sign said, “We don’t want your charity. We want dignity.”
Our young friends wish to provide a better life for the very children whose only other ways off the streets may well include joining the Taliban, criminal gangs, or some other militia. Meanwhile, the United States’ vengeful stance as a nation, concerned with protecting its wealth and status at all costs and its safety above all considerations of equity or reason, destroys the lives of the impoverished at home as it destroys those abroad.
The “Black Lives Matter” protests need our support, as do the March 4-6 protests to “Shut Down Creech” Air Force Base. Our friends in the Afghan Peace Volunteers will continue to do vital work for peace and solidarity, in Kabul, that needs our support. It’s encouraging to know that thousands upon thousands of committed people seek and find work to make our world less like a prison for our neighbors and ourselves.
My address for the next three months is
Kathy Kelly 04971-045
P.O. BOX 14525
- Kathy Kelly co-coordinates Voices for Creative Nonviolence. She contributed this article to Contact her at:
Kathy Kelly, peace activist, starts three-month prison term
Kathy Kelly, co-coordinator of Voices for Creative Nonviolence, planned to turn herself in at the federal prison camp in Lexington, Ky., today to begin serving a three month sentence for her involvement in a protest of drone warfare June 1 at Whiteman Air Force Base in Missouri.
Kelly is a long-time peace activist who led delegations to Iraq during the years of sanctions before the 2003 U.S. invasion. She was in Baghdad during the “shock and awe” campaign and spent a summer in Baghdad in neighborhoods left destitute by the sanctions and warfare.
She has made numerous trips to Afghanistan and Pakistan, organizing a young people’s non-violence group called Afghan Peace Volunteers, and recording and writing about the testimony of those whose families and friends have been killed in drone attacks.
Kelly was arrested when she accompanied other activists to the gates of Whiteman Air Force Base to deliver a loaf of bread and a letter to the commander of the base, which operates drones over Afghanistan, according to a release from Voices for Creative Nonviolence. She was tried and convicted in federal court in December.
Israeli PM’s Unscheduled Congress Speech Causes Diplomatic Uproar in Washington
Israeli PM’s Unscheduled Congress Speech Causes Diplomatic Uproar in Washington
A rift is emerging between the US and Israel, after Barack Obama’s administration hit out at Israeli leader Benjamin Netanyahu for speaking to Congress without consent.
The Democrats say they are in the dark about Prime Minister Netanyahu being allowed to speak to Congress about Iran. The party says the Israeli delegation did not consult them and they therefore broke protocol. The Democrats were also fuming with the Republics after the Grand Old Party’s Speaker of the House of Representatives John Boehner, gave the Israeli PM the go-ahead.
“It’s out of the ordinary that the Speaker would decide that he would be inviting people to a joint session without any bipartisan consultation,” said Nancy Pelosi, the House Democratic leader at a weekly news conference, which was reported by Reuters.
Boehner made the announcement that Netanyahu was to speak about Iran in front of Congress on January 21, the day after Obama said in his State of the Union address that he would veto any extra sanctions against Iran.
The Republican is keen to impose further sanctions on Tehran saying, “He (Obama) expects us to stand idly by and do nothing while he cuts a bad deal with Iran,” Boehner said. “Two words: ‘Hell no!’ … We’re going to do no such thing,” AP reported.
The Israeli Prime Minister believed the “two-party leadership” of Congress had invited him, but congressional aides said they knew of no members of the party who had been consulted, according to Reuters.
The US administration also made an announcement that Netanyahu will not be granted an audience with either Obama or the Secretary of State, John Kerry, during his next planned visit to the US on March 3, citing the proximity of the Israeli elections as the reason for the snub.
“As a matter of long-standing practice and principle, we do not see heads of state or candidates in close proximity to their elections so as to avoid the appearance of influencing a democratic election in a foreign country,” National Security Council spokeswoman Bernadette Meehan said Thursday.
The Republican’s hit out at the Democrats, with Republican Representative Mac Thornberry, the chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, saying Congress was exercising its proper constitutional role.
“To ask a foreign leader who is at the center of a huge number of the challenges facing the country to come talk to Congress, how is that not within our purview as an independent branch of government, to hear from him directly?” he said, according to Reuters.
Meanwhile, the Washington Post believes Netanyahu’s decision to “break with protocol” could lead to a different stance being taken towards the Israeli PM.
“The bilateral relationship [between Israel and the US] is unshakable,” the newspaper quoted a source close to Secretary of State John Kerry as saying. “But playing politics with that relationship could blunt Secretary Kerry’s enthusiasm for being Israel’s primary defender.”
READ MORE: Obama admin ‘won’t be around forever’ – Israeli minister on W. Bank settlement stall
Despite the controversy over Netanyahu’s visit, the Israeli Prime Minister does have a lot to gain politically from visiting the US and speaking in front of Congress on an issue as sensitive as Iran. A harsh line against Tehran would be welcomed by many in Israel.
The incumbent PM is facing a tough fight to win re-election when Israel goes to the polls in March. His Likud Party is trailing their main opponents, the Labor Party, which has highlighted the discord that has emerged recently within the country’s crucial relationship with the US.
Is Iran About To Strike? Long Range Missile Just Discovered-and It's Ready To Go!
Is Iran About To Strike? Long Range Missile Just Discovered-and It's Ready To Go!
Iran has produced a 27 meter-long missile capable of carrying a warhead “far beyond Europe.” Israel’s Channel 2 News broadcast satellite images of the missile at a launch site near Tehran (pictured).
The missile was ostensibly built to ferry satellites into orbit, but could also be used to deliver warheads nearly anywhere on the planet. Israel has also produce and successfully launched missiles with such dual capabilities.
According to the Channel 2 report, Iran has made “very rapid progress” in its long-range missile research and development.
Please do more Research I added the Article and video below
Israel Today News
My friends, have we not learned that modern wars settle no disputes?

Father Charles E. Coughlin Archive Page
"...My friends, have we not learned that modern wars settle no disputes? By this time are we not dissillusioned? Do we not realize that wars are the enemy of democracy? Do we not appreciate that poor men- the laborers and farmers- pay for all wars- pay with their lives or their liberties?"
Fr. Charles E. Coughlin of Royal Oak, Michigan had one of the most popular radio shows in the U.S. during the late 1930's. At his height of popularity, upwards of thirty million listeners tuned in to his radio show each week and he received 10,000 letters per week with a clerical staff of over 100 people. He advocated a sound money system, abolition of the Federal Reserve, a non-interventionist foreign policy, and was a stringent opponent of both Nazism and Communism, which he pointed out was funded by corrupt Jewish interests and international bankers. Fr. Coughlin exposed war-mongers and government propagandists, which made him a real threat to the establishment. He was a devout and influencial priest who stressed the Gospel and teachings of Jesus Christ. The government banned his programs and threatened to arrest and imprison him. I consider Fr. Coughlin one of the wisest and greatest American heros ever. His material is an absolute treaure, a must-see. His work, in retrospect, was prophetic and still holds true today. .
Father Coughlin speaks against the Federal Reserve
Also on Youtube
Read more
Libertarian' Zionist Thought Police
Like I said, the Jews cooked their own goose by getting so arrogant participating in 9/11/01. From that crime, many of us then learned about many more of their history such as the hoax of the holocaust and Zionism in general. If it hadn't of been for 9/11 and the dancing Israelis I probably never even would have researched all this stuff. The end.
Libertarian' Zionist Thought Police
Now that is closing, Time to come clean: I was banned from DailyPaul in 2009- A Goodbye To The DP & Michael Nystrom, & A Brief Discussion of Squirrely So-Called Libertarian Censorship
What happened here is that Michael Nystrom of the actually posted several topics where he declared that no criticism of Israel will be tolerated here at DP. That is true, he actually posted that. I even covered it at the time, twice:
- Despite prohibition by site owner, DailyPaul participants continue discussion about America's subjugation to Israel 2/23/14
- DailyPaul 'Liberty Forum' deletes Jew Ben Freedman's Historical Anti Zionist Speech & discussions 8/19/13
But then, the market at his site dictated otherwise because posters ignored his edict, so he eventually backed off. But he did in the meanwhile ban many people for posting such opinions critical of Zionism.
In my case, I posted a topic which criticized a popular radio show. Alex Jones fill-in host had said that anyone who criticizes Jews should commit suicide, and electrocute themselves. I thought that was an outrageous thing for the Alex jones show to say and many others agreed. Here is that one: "InfoWarrior' Jason Bermas: Jew Critics Should Hang Or Electrocute Themselves". But I was banned for daring to post that at the in 2009. It literally is as simple as that. Bermas by the way was gone soon afterwards, never to reappear. Alex obviously saw that such lunacy was alienating his own market.
Ironically,even though the 'libertarian' DailyPaul banned me for it, the article was posted and still today stands at a website OWNED BY A JEW, here: Bermas & Alex Jones Respond To The Jewish Controversy (4/23/09) It was also posted at Texe Marrs website here. Most of you know who Texe is. ( He is the minister who conducted the wedding of Alex Jones and his wife and is a respected Christian minister, military veteran, andcollege professor, as well as well known long-time advocate for truth and liberty.
So, those on both the left and the right had no problem with it whatsoever! So why then, did the DailyPaul? What real or imagined restraints were they intimidated by, if any? The weirdest thing about control freaks and those mesemerized/influenced by the Jewish/Zionist thought police is when they pretend to be libertarians. What a joke!
Heck, even, whose co-host Jason Bermas which was the subject of my critique at the time, continued and still continues to post my articles! Yet Michael Nystrom and his control freak moderators found that such a person must be banned entirely and permanently, even when Jews themselves and Inforwars itself never banned me! Mike, that is PATHETIC.
A so-called libertyforum shouldn't have the same rules as neocon site or a forum run by pastor John Hagee. Several people have said since it's Mike's site he can ban whoever he wants. Sure technically it is his yard and he has a right to ban whoever he wants. But if you advertise a discussion forum catering to liberty oriented folks, why would you have a party and then ban anyone whose ideas you don't agree with? "Oh don't you dare criticize the Jews or Israel! BANNED! BE GONE!" That is lunacy, it is bullshit, and that's what Nystrom did.
Like I said, the Jews cooked their own goose by getting so arrogant participating in 9/11/01. From that crime, many of us then learned about many more of their history such as the hoax of the holocaust and Zionism in general. If it hadn't of been for 9/11 and the dancing Israelis I probably never even would have researched all this stuff. The end.
I hope that's simple enough for everyone. If not, you can torture yourself and read my original below in the blue section, which was too long and sloppily put together. ;-)
Behind the Evil Eye - the Bilderberg
Behind the Evil Eye
The all seeing eye is a powerful metaphor of all pervading consciousness. The Illuminati banksters use it on the dollar bill. Now they are building a police state control grid, huge NSA data centers so that Jews can spy on your every move. All NSA data goes to Israel first.
Well what does this all seeing eye symbol represent? Power, control, obedience, god, will of the powerful elite to rule all things by seeing everything. Governments put up spy satellites to watch our every move as if we are rats in a cage or ants in an ant farm. The all seeing eye, the evil eye looking down on us demeans our very existence and human spirit.
Movies are made about the all powerful evil eye and the one who wears the ring of power. This is a metaphor for the all powerful state and behind it one man who has the ring of power. In movies things are often simplified, made black and white. One evil ruler who controls all is a simplification.
Who is this one man who must have all the power, all of the control, all of the wealth in real life? That seems to be a big mystery to those who search for the one true antichrist ruler. There is no such man, but many men who are working seemingly in concert. The world is run by a fluid group of men who have power, and to get power these days is not by the sword, it is by having economic control.
Those that control - own. They own the stock shares, they own banks, they run corporations. We are ruled by owners, owners are “the man”, these men are on the Bilderberg roster. They are also television personalities, they make opinion, they run the news headlines, they decide what gets printed, they decide what you think if you let them. If you watch the Jewtube, you are being spoon fed the evil Jewish propaganda, your mind is being Talmudicisized.
Unless you are strapped in a chair at your local Zionist psychiatric ward, no one can make you believe anything. You decide your input, you control your consciousness, you are responsible for your energy. Your consciousness field, your emotions, your spirit is yours to decide unless you get caught in the Zioweb of power, interned at Camp Gulag, or if you voluntarily believe in some religious mind spell.
The power behind the eye is a group effort, an unconscious effort of many people all seeking the same dark thing. They are aligned by their own wills, by a similar resonance in consciousness, by the same economic belief of getting rich. Everyone wants to be a millionaire, everyone want to be king, everyone wants to rule the world. Usually the most ruthless succeed and thus the system manifests rule by psychopaths.
So it looks like religions oppose one another, but I tell you they are all in the same boat, every one of them wants to control, they want power through mind control. Christians and Jews are aligned with Muslims in that sense, each religion is trying to control a certain geographical area with a set of memes. All religions oppose true human freedom, although they might claim otherwise.
So who is behind the evil eye of the Lord of the Rings? We are. Our consciousness. There is no god behind the curtain, you are behind the curtain pulling all of the levers. It is you that wants power, not some god. The Christian god is not demanding you take over the Middle East, it is your own need to control telling you that.
Imagine if you created the Universe and spun it into motion, imagine you gave it's beings free will, what would you want from any of them? Worship? Devotion? Would you want to "lord" over them? Of course not, you would want nothing and you wouldn't interfere. God who has everything wants nothing.
But humans have imagined exactly the opposite of that, we imagine god to be be angry and ruthless, micromanaging the affairs of men. But god is doing nothing because ... god is not there. God doesn't care about your fate because god is not there. You care, you are the only man behind the curtain but to avoid coming to that conclusion men have imagined a god who was here, left, and is coming back. That way they don't have to own their actions.
The entire salvation meme, god coming to our rescue meme, god is coming back with vengeance meme, Jesus is coming again meme is based on the faulty assumption that god exists, cares, and is coming back to rescue us from the devil. But the devil doesn't exist either, only we exist. The only devil are the ones amongst us who are taking us into hell, mostly with our own compliance.
So who is the one man, the devil in the flesh, who rises amongst the control freaks, becomes the most ruthless psychopath? It's obvious who he is right now. Benjamin Netanyahu, he is the obvious first choice for the dark matter manifesting. But he is us, he has captured our consciousness and is bringing our own evil to fruition. Doubt that? Then why aren't we arresting him?
If we weren't evil we would never tolerate evil. When the antichrist comes to town, are you going to be ebullient, so happy to see him? Bibi Netanyahu is probably one of the most evil men alive right now, so why is he treated as a god? Because we approve of evil, we worship evil, our collective consciousness is evil.
So what is behind the evil eye? Our own energy. How could any normal rationale loving being every approve of what the Jew is doing to Palestine? Because so many people are aligned with evil, because the book they read, and agree with, the Christian holy book is evil, and the book is evil because it is about controlling others and to control others you must assert your will over others.
The Christian commentator may condemn pop stars using the all seeing eye symbology but they do not condemn control over others. If we are free beings then spiritual people should universally condemn all forms of control, not just control by other groups. It is hypocritical to condemn Muslim control but not see your own Christian nation controlling energy.
Christians agree with the devil Satanyahu (who unlike Hitler who wanted Jews to leave Germany and assisted them in doing so) Netanyahu wants to kill Palestinians in place, he won't let them escape, like shooting fish in a barrel. He is exercising the logical Jewish state control, merciless killing of helpless people. Netanyhau is exerting the greatest state control every attempted and Christians wholeheartedly agree.
So in order for the devout to believe they are not evil, they imagine a god ordaining government, god appointing the rulers, a god behind the control apparatus. But there is obviously no god doing any choosing of state, we do that with voting. We created the state with the god meme, we gave ourselves permission to jail others with god.
The Bible says God established authority, but we wrote the Bible, and those that choose to believe, hold on to the 'god wrote the Bible meme' as a way to negate their own compliance in the scam. God wrote no book, god doesn't write books, we write books in the name of god in order to get control over others, to extend authority where we should not, beyond our own selves.
The most evil state imaginable is evil Israel, rule by Jewish dictat, rule not be reason but by the will of the racist Jew. Only Jews are allowed to immigrate, get married, drive on freeways, etc. Israel is the perfect Communist state, the perfect racist state, the perfect national security state, the perfect state of paranoia, the perfect expression of Jewish consciousness.
No one has the right to lord over others, no group has the right to organize and force others to violate their own sovereignty. The state is evil and can only be evil because of what it can only do, use force against the individual. So what is beyond the all seeing eye, what is the malevolence that destroys our beings. It is us and our limited thinking, our own badness, our own need to control others.
Liberation comes when we give up trying to control the rest of the world. We can no longer stand hell when we graduate from hell thinking, when we see the Bible and the Jew for what they really are and reject them from our being then we will be free.
Friday, January 23, 2015
Canadian Political history of treason Are you a SLAVE?
Canadian Political history of treason
Are you a SLAVE?
We will look at the most dangerous
and corrupt legislation that destroyed the Corporation of Canada in 1974 - the
year they decided to STOP USING THE BANK OF CANADA.
We will look at the most dangerous
and corrupt legislation that destroyed the Corporation of Canada in 1974 - the
year they decided to STOP USING THE BANK OF CANADA.
We need to connect the DOTS as one
would say.
One of the biggest questions I
encounter when talking about restoring the Bank of Canada, is who changed the
policy in 1974? And who is responsible for the Trillion dollar robbery since
First we must look at who was in
political power at the time and who held the key positions. Also understand how
they ALL climbed the latter to become Prime Minister of Canada and who funded
Now let’s take a look at the
Political Parties involved and Prime Ministers before and after and connect the
Prime Minister: Pierre Trudeau
Minister of Finance: John Turner.
Governor of the Bank of Canada:
Gerald Bouey
Because of the changes to the Bank of
Canada in 1974 our national debt has skyrocketed from 21.6 billion to 588
billion in three short years in 1977.
Liberal - William Lyon Mackenzie
King, He served as the tenth Prime Minister of Canada from December 29, 1921 to
June 28, 1926; from September 25, 1926 to August 7, 1930;
Conservative - Richard Bedford
Bennett Prime Minister August 7, 1930 - October 23, 1935
Liberal - William Lyon Mackenzie King
was re-elected Prime Minister from October 23, 1935 to November 15, 1948.
Quotes by Former Prime Ministers and
King was first elected to Parliament
as a Liberal in a 1908 by-election, and was re-elected by acclamation in a 1909
by-election following his appointment as the first-ever Minister of Labour.
King's term as Minister of Labour
legislation significantly improved the financial situation for millions of
Canadian workers. He lost his seat in the 1911 general election, which saw the
Conservatives defeat his Liberals.
Conservative - Sir Robert Laird Borden Prime Minister October 10, 1911 -
October 12, 1917 October 12, 1917 - July 10, 1920
After his defeat King went on the
lecture circuit on behalf of the Liberal Party.
But then In June 1914 John D.
Rockefeller, Jr. hired him as a Director [of the Rockefeller Foundation in New
York City, heading their new Department of Industrial Research. It paid $12,000
per year, compared to the meager $2,500 per year the Liberal Party was paying.
That big money five times his wage
increase I wonder what Rockefeller needed.
He worked for the Foundation until
1918, forming a close working association and friendship with Rockefeller,
advising him through the turbulent period of the 1914 strike and Ludlow
massacre at a family-owned coal company in Colorado, which subsequently set the
stage for a new era King became one of the earliest expert practitioners in the
emerging field of industrial relations.
Working for the Rockefellers
performing valuable service by helping to keep war-related industries running
King expanded the Department of
External Affairs, founded in 1909, to further promote Canadian autonomy from
Prior to this, Canada had relied on
British diplomats who owed their first loyalty to London.
King recruited many high-calibre
people for the new venture, including future Prime Minister Lester Pearson. This
project was a key element of his overall strategy, setting Canada on a course
independent of Britain.
In domestic affairs King strengthened
the Liberal policy of increasing the powers of the provincial governments by
transferring to the governments of Manitoba, Alberta, and Saskatchewan the
ownership of the crown lands within those provinces, as well as the subsoil
rights; these in particular would become increasingly important, as petroleum
and other natural resources proved very abundant.
NOTE: King new centralized power is
absolute power and absolute power corrupts.
Canada's Central Bank Scam Prime
Minister Paul Martin's Badly Kept Secret
The people who knew didn’t stop it
Paul Martin said he knew and he was Prime Minster of Canada, but he never stopped
it WHY?
Paul Martin was the Finance Minister
during the Chretien government November 4, 1993 - December 12, 2003
An intriguing secret overhangs the
federal election. Prime Minister Chretien
appeared to have everything in the bag, so utterly was his control of
He knew exactly what had brought on
the financial bust of the late 1980s, and how the Private Banks had been bailed
out by enabling them to quadruple their holdings of federal government bonds by
being able to acquire them without putting up any of their own money. The
statutory reserves - were some 8% to 10% of the deposits the banks received in
their chequing accounts that had to be re-deposited on an interest-free basis with
the Bank of Canada.
Such reserves had been abolished in a
bill sneaked through parliament in 1991 without debate or press release.
Conservative - Martin Brian Mulroney September
17, 1984 - June 25, 1993
When critics dug up the facts of that
bailout, the banks cried indignantly:
"It was an unjust tax on the banks!" But it was no tax at all.
From a "lender of the last resort", the government had simply moved
into the position of "the donor of the first resort".
Throughout the 1980s it had bailed
out bankrupt banks.
And since the government of Canada is
the sole shareholder of the Bank of Canada when it switched its borrowing from
its own bank the Bank of Canada to the distressed banks, they lent back to the
government some of the money it had bestowed on them as a gift.
And since the government of Canada is
the sole shareholder of the Bank of Canada when it switched its borrowing from
its own bank the Bank of Canada to the distressed banks, they lent back to the
government some of the money it had bestowed on them as a gift.
That was the secret of secrets, the
dead rat beneath our floor boards that poisoned the very air politicians
Yet Canadians, who pay, ultimately
pay the shot in the GST every time they go into a store. They were the ones who
really bailed out our banks. The details have been withheld from the public,
but the total picture is revealed to them whenever they do a bit of shopping or
drive over the potholes in our roads, or suffer from the crumbling of our
infrastructure, to poverty and homeless people are the end results.
Conservative - Charles Joseph Clark was Prime Minister June 4, 1979 - March 3,
1980 and April 20, 1968 - June 4, 1979
Liberal John Napier Turner June 30,
1984 - September 17, 1984
Liberal - Pierre Elliott Trudeau March
3, 1980 - June 29, 1984
As further proof of his "fiscal
responsibility", he stashed away government revenue to "hide against
a rainy day". It was in fact the part cost of keeping the sun shining on our
banks' excursions into the US financial Wild West.
Not only were these incompatible with their
banking activities, but not particularly successful. They have already cost
them a small fortune.
But that was not enough, Mr. Martin
got himself into an awful row behind closed doors with the Auditor-General of
that day, Denis Desautels, on the government's practice of ignoring double
entry bookkeeping.
When it built a bridge, a school, or
a penitentiary, it wrote off the spending in a single year while keeping the
debt incurred on its books as a liability.
After weeks of wrangling a compromise
was reached in which this accrual accountancy (also known as `capital
budgeting') would be introduced with respect only to the aboriginal peoples'
accounts and the environment.
That resulted in the discovery of an
unrecognized surplus that he wore like a Purple Heart Cross.
Yet under the terms of his settlement
with the Auditor-General, the final balance sheets of the government would be
subject to approval by the Auditor-General. Until that approval is forthcoming,
Mr. Martin is as much in the dark about the government's balance-sheets as the
general public.
Accordingly it falls to the electorate to
decide whether he really has been a prudent administrator, or has just bullied
his auditor.
Could it be that in Canada we reward them with
10-year runs as head of state? That was
the grand illusion of Mr. Martin's career. The time has come to prove him
But surely, all these things are far
too complicated for the ordinary elector to understand. Hence how did the public
pierce the mystery and grasp the essential fact that Mr. Martin has been up to
no great good.
Thus Roy MacGregor (The Globe &
Mail 7/06/04 ) sums up the situation" With voters putting the boots to
Martin so early, it means the public attention span has ample time to wander
over to those who might take his place. Two weeks ago the election was Paul
Martin's to lose, and it appears he lost it almost instantly; today, it is
Stephen Harper's to lose."
This adds up to a crisis of our
democratic system. The need for proportional representation, so that minority
groups at present unrepresented in parliament will be able to demand vital
information that is at present denied the major parties, or who simply fail to
fight for it. Being a major party involves a massive dependence on major
finances for TV ads, the attaches major parties to our banks with nose-rings.
How then did Mr. Martin's secret get
through to them despite its complexity that left Mr. Martin himself confused?
We pay them 160 million dollars a day
in interest
The answer is simple. There has been
a massive redistribution of the national income, and with the increasing
break-down of or our infrastructure and the ongoing voracity of our banks, it
continues, day and night.
Heather Scoffield ( The Tories'
$90-billion question" Globe and Mail 7/06) sums it up : "Both Tim
O'Neill, chief economist of the Bank of Montreal and Dale Orr, managing
director at Global Insight (Canada) recognize a scenario such as Conservatives
as a viable option, as long as spending is frozen. On the other hand, most
economists agree that keeping spending in check will involve cuts to some
That is the great secret that Mr.
Martin could only add to, but not hide
The last bailout of the Private Banks
was no one-shot affair, but an ongoing entitlement. When two of our major banks
have had fines imposed on them by the regulatory authorities in the US $80
million - quite apart from likely class actions for which they are setting
aside reserves - that comes out of the hides of Canadian taxpayers.
Vital information about Mr. Martin's
fiscal prudence comes to voters whenever they go into a store and pay the GST
that Mr. Martin as Liberal Finance Minister was supposed to do away with.
You can fool the public three times with
tales of self-aggrandizement, but the fourth time is a toughie these days.
“Once a nation parts with the control
of its currency and credit, it matters not who makes the nations laws. Usury,
once in control, will wreck any nation. Until the control of the issue of
currency and credit is restored to government and recognised as its most sacred
responsibility, all talk of the sovereignty of parliament and of democracy is
idle and futile.
― William Lyon Mackenzie King
How Ironic King is now on the 50 dollar
Canadian Bill when he was so against Private Banks. It’s not a Canadian bill;
it’s a private bank bill with wording that says Canadian.
Andrew Jackson - As a military officer he virtually acquired
Florida by force of arms from Spain and defended New Orleans against the
British. As President he fought the rewarding of government positions to party
loyalists, paid of the US Debt and he abolished the Private Banking system from
the US and established the position that an individual state could not nullify
the laws of the land. He was a strong and competent President, but his
treatment of the Native Americans was shameful.
Video below
If congress has the right under the
Constitution to issue paper money, it was given them to use themselves, not to
be delegated to individuals or corporations. -Andrew Jackson
If the American people ever allow
private banks to control the issue of their
currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks…will deprive
the people of all property until their
children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered…. The
issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to
whom it properly belongs. – Thomas Jefferson in the debate over the Re-charter
of the Bank Bill (1809)“I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous
to our liberties than standing armies.” – Thomas Jefferson
History records that the money
changers have used every form of abuse, intrigue, deceit, and violent means
possible to maintain their control over governments by controlling money and
its issuance. -James Madison
President Jackson- ATTEMPTED
Rothschild’s had lost a fierce battle
with President Jackson with regard to keeping their Central Bank. For in 1834,
Jackson removed all government deposits from the Rothschild’s “Second Bank in
the United States.”
President William McKinley
A new System of National Banks was
established in 1862 eliminating the Central Bank up through 1901. It was on
September 6 1901 that President William McKinley was assassinated through the
intrigues of the Rothschild’s and their hit-men.
With McKinley out of the way, the
path to the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 was easily paved through of the House
of Rothschild.
President William McKinley was known
as a “hard money” man. This was because he advocated a gold standard. McKinley
was against “easy money” with no backing — printed by lenders at interest to
the borrower - namely the US government.
This was the essence of McKinley’s
1896 & 1900 successful campaign
Theodore “Teddy” Roosevelt had been
groomed by the powerful Rothschild’s political machine to be the Governor of NY
and future President of the United States. In 1900, McKinley was forced by
Republican partisans to appoint “Teddy” Roosevelt as Vice President to get the
“Jewish vote.” McKinley’s appointment of Roosevelt soon turned out to be his
The Government should create, issue,
and circulate all the currency and credits needed to satisfy the spending power
of the Government and the buying power of consumers. By the adoption of these
principles, the taxpayers will be saved immense sums of interest. Money will
cease to be master and become the servant of humanity. -Abraham Lincoln.
Issue of currency should be lodged
with the government and be protected from domination by Wall Street. We are
opposed to…provision [which] would place our currency and credit system in
private hands. – Theodore Roosevelt
Despite these warnings, Woodrow
Wilson signed the 1913 Federal Reserve Act. A few years later he wrote: I am a
most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial
nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated.
The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of
a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated
Governments in the civilized world no longer a
Government by free opinion, no longer a Government by conviction and the
vote of the majority, but a Government by the opinion and duress of a small
group of dominant men. -Woodrow Wilson.
Years later, reflecting on the major
banks’ control in Washington, President Franklin Roosevelt paid this indirect
praise to his distant predecessor President Andrew Jackson, who had “killed”
the 2nd Bank of the US (an earlier type of the Federal Reserve System). After
Jackson’s administration the bankers’ influence was gradually restored and
increased, culminating in the passage of the Federal Reserve Act of 1913.
Roosevelt knew this history.
(In a letter to Colonel House, dated
November 21, 1933)
The real truth of the matter is, as
you and I know, that a financial element in the large centers has owned the
government ever since the days of Andrew Jackson… -Franklin D. Roosevelt
(In a letter to Colonel House, dated
November 21, 1933)
When a government is dependent upon
bankers for money, they and not the leaders of the government control the
situation, since the hand that gives is above the hand that takes… Money has no
motherland; financiers are without patriotism and without decency; their sole
object is gain.” – Napoleon Bonaparte, Emperor of France, 1815
“The death of Lincoln was a disaster
for Christendom. There was no man in the United States great enough to wear his
boots and the bankers went anew to grab the riches. I fear that foreign bankers
with their craftiness and tortuous tricks will entirely control the exuberant
riches of America and use it to systematically corrupt civilization.” Otto von
Bismark (1815-1898), German Chancellor, after the Lincoln assassination
Mayer Amschel Rothschild
“Let me issue and control a nation’s
money and I care not who writes the laws.” Mayer Amschel Rothschild
(1744-1812), founder of the House of Rothschild.
“The few who understand the system
will either be so interested in its profits or be so dependent upon its favours
that there will be no opposition from that class, while on the other hand, the
great body of people, mentally incapable of comprehending the tremendous
advantage that capital derives from the system, will bear its burdens without
complaint, and perhaps without even suspecting that the system is inimical to
their interests.” The Rothschild brothers of London writing to associates in
New York, 1863.
It has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with
creating "revenue" or raising money to build roads and schools. That
is a total delusion played off by both Republicans and Democrats to prevent
people from realizing the far more powerful truth that federal income taxes
aren't necessary at all.
John F Kennedy
vs. The Federal Reserve
On June 4, 1963, President John F.
Kennedy signed Executive Order (EO) 11110 to compel the U.S. Treasury to issue
paper certificates backed by silver held by the Treasury. The certificates
directly challenged the authority of the Federal Reserve Bank to
"loan" fiat (unbacked) money to the United States government at
Executive Order 11110
THE DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY. By virtue of the authority vested in me by
section 301 of title 3 of the United States Code, it is ordered as follows:
SECTION 1. Executive Order No. 10289
of September 19, 1951, as amended, is hereby further amended - (a) By adding at
the end of paragraph 1 thereof the following subparagraph (j): "(j) The
authority vested in the President by paragraph (b) of section 43 of the Act of
May 12, 1933, as amended (31 U.S.C. 821 (b)), to issue silver certificates
against any silver bullion, silver, or standard silver dollars in the Treasury
not then held for redemption of any outstanding silver certificates, to
prescribe the denominations of such silver certificates, and to coin standard
silver dollars and subsidiary silver currency for their redemption," and
(b) By revoking subparagraphs (b) and (c) of paragraph 2 thereof.
SECTION 2. The amendment made by this
Order shall not affect any act done, or any right accruing or accrued or any
suit or proceeding had or commenced in any civil or criminal cause prior to the
date of this Order but all such liabilities shall continue and may be enforced
as if said amendments had not been made.
June 4, 1963
John F Kennedy – ASSASINATED
On June 4, 1963, President Kennedy
signed Executive Order 11110. The order could have—and should have—begun the
process of ending the Federal Reserve money monopoly in America. Instead,
President Kennedy was assassinated and a few months later the silver
certificates he ordered into circulation were removed.
One thing is for certain: Fiat money
cannot compete with real money. Had President Kennedy and the silver certificates
survived, the Federal Reserve would have been out of business
Just some History for those who
attempt to stop the Private banking Cartel what happens
So now back to Canada.
Prime Minister R.B. Bennett called
for a Royal Commission in 1933, and it reported in favor of a Central Bank. The
Bank began operations on March 11, 1935, after the passage of the Bank of
Canada Act.
Initially the Bank was founded as a
privately owned corporation in order to ensure it was free from political
In 1938, under Prime Minister William Lyon
Mackenzie King, it became a Crown Corporation, fully owned by the government
with the Governor appointed by Cabinet.
The responsibility for creating small
bills was transferred from the Finance Department to the Bank of Canada and the
private banks were ordered to remove their currency from circulation by 1945.
The Bank of Canada played an
important role in financing Canada's war effort during World War II. After the
war, the Bank's role was expanded as it was mandated to encourage economic
growth in Canada.
The subsidiary Industrial Development
Bank was formed to stimulate investment in Canadian businesses.
The monetary policy of the Bank was
geared towards low interest rates and full employment with little concern about
inflation. When inflation began to raise in the early 1960s, the Governor,
James Coyne ordered a reduction in the money supply.
Now we see the change to our Bank of
Canada coming slowly being re –rooted in stealth.
Prime Minister John Diefenbaker
disagreed with this move, and ordered a return to full employment policies.
This caused a brief crisis because
the Bank was supposed to be an arm’s length organization, not under political
Coyne resigned, and was replaced by
Louis Rasminsky.
Louis Rasminsky, Governor of the Bank
of Canada from 1961 to 1973, succeeding James Coyne He was succeeded by Gerald
NOTE: 1974 Bank of Canada stopped its
Primary Role changed during Gerald
Bouey was Governor of Bank of Canada.
Prime Minister: Pierre Trudeau
Minister of Finance: John Turner
Governor of the Bank of Canada:
Gerald Bouey
Gerald Keith Bouey, was the fourth
Governor of the Bank of Canada from 1973 to 1987
In 1948 Bouey joined the Bank of
Canada Research Department and became Assistant Chief in 1953, Deputy Chief in
1956 and Chief of Research in 1962. Bouey became Advisor to the Governor in
1965, Deputy Governor in 1969 and Governor in 1973.
In 1981, he was made an Officer of the Order
of Canada and promoted to Companion in 1987.
During his role as Prime Minister Trudeau and former
Governor of the Bank of Canada Gerald Bouey removed control of Canada's
currency by allowing private banks to secretly control and print the public's
money into existence rather than borrowing it at Zero percent interest.
NOTE: “In 1867 Canada’s debt was $94
million and it grew slowly until 1915, when WWI pushed the figure to $2.4
During the Great Depression the debt
rose to $5 billion, and by the end of WWII it had reached $18 billion.”
Conservative - Prime Minister Martin
Brian Mulroney September 17, 1984 - June 25, 1993 removed that restriction, so
money “created” by any bank is imaginary.
There was a small administrative fee,
interest on bonds, but for purposes of this illustration, there was virtually
zero interest. We were borrowing money from ourselves. $100 borrowed @ 0
interest is $100.
All these Prime Ministers, Finance
Minister, and every political party are the same. They may use different names
or be a liberal, of Conservative but all on the same agenda. They removed our
Bank of Canada deliberately and creating mass debt. Is this a crime YES?
These are slow steps year after year
to enslave the Canadian people.
Canada’s deficit isn’t a problem of
over-spending or having too many programs, it is a problem of paying compound
interest to this Private Corporation. (Private Banks)
Private Banks create money by putting
an amount in the ledger (out of thin air). So far, public/private banks do the
same. Private Banks, however, charge compound interest.
For those who need a math refresher,
compound interest means that interest is charged on the principal plus the
interest so far accrued, ad infinitum.
So, $100 borrowed @ 3% interest becomes $103, $103 becomes $107, $107
becomes $110.21, $110.21 becomes
$113.50. And so on and son and so on. (Some numbers rounded.)
You get the idea – a runaway train
taking taxpayers’ money and transferring it via interest to the banksters.
Canadian citizens! Who is
actually Hah! Chump change!
I've read and watched a few versions
of who did what but whether it was
pressure from the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the World Bank, or
the bankster cabal, the upshot is, in 1973/74, then Governor of the Bank of
Canada, Gerald Bouey, seems to have made
the decision by himself to start borrowing on behalf of Canada from private
NOTE: Impossible for one man to do
this. This was well orchestrated in stealth,
According to the Honourable Paul
Hellyer, who asked Pierre Trudeau’s biographer, there is no record of Trudeau
himself, or the government of the day making this monumentally damaging
decision! One unelected man did this!!
Now I find this hard to believe
myself. We can’t ask Gerald Bouey as he died February 6, 2004.
How has this damaged Canada? Let me
count the ways.
When we pay interest on interest on
interest, we grow the amount of debt, which for governments is called
deficit. Unlike a mortgage, where the
interest portion of the monthly payment decreases as the principal is paid
down, the deficit rises because of the increase, not just in borrowing, but in
compound interest on the total.
Without continually raising taxes,
there becomes less and less money for governments to do anything in terms of
programs, infrastructure, MP’s salaries and pensions, foreign aid, etc.
So governments keep borrowing and
borrowing and borrowing. Giving tax cuts
to corporations and the wealthiest citizens just takes more money out of
government revenue, so more borrowing must be done.
Canada’s deficit isn’t a problem of
over-spending or having too many programs, it is a problem of paying compound
interest to banksters.
You can easily understand now, why we
don’t have a healthcare crisis, we have an interest-paying crisis, affecting
our healthcare and all program funding.
If this sounds too simple, it isn’t.
It seems hard to get one’s head around because unnecessarily borrowing at
interest is so obviously stupid and against a country’s best interests.
A 12-year old Victoria Grant can
explain the basics in 6 minutes.
Victoria Grant - Public Banking 2013:
Funding the New Economy, June 3rd 2013
NOTE: Yet as recently as the 2001
Ontario budget, James Flaherty, as Minister of Finance for Ontario “sold” the
91 year old Province of Ontario Savings
Office to a private bank.
It actually made a profit, and the
Province could get loans at better rates than from private banks. Reason
given? To end “wasteful activities that
could be eliminated”. Baloney! It made a
profit of $10 Million!
These people are committing fraud and
need to be arrested.
This is the stated “reason” for all
the cuts. It’s called “starving the
beast”: drive up the deficit to show the need for cuts later. It’s akin to
ripping up your clothes to justify getting new ones, only backwards.
The deficit could be stopped in its
tracks right now, if Canada would start borrowing from the Bank of Canada
instead of private banks. Yes.
Unfortunately we, and almost all, if
not all nations, have a Goldman Sachs man in place. Ours is Governor of the
Bank of Canada, Mark Carney. He was on the guest list of the Bilderberg meeting
in June 2012.
There were a few other Canadians on
the list, including Alberta’s Alison Redford. I’ll put a link to Bilderberg
info for those who don’t know about this annual secret meeting of CEOS,
Governments, banking, media moguls, industry leaders and US Presidential
It is thought to be working towards a
one world government. Think Globalized industry & finance making global
laws. The Trans Pacific Partnership gets us well on the way there, according to
leaked documents.
All Major Canadian Parties are owned
and bought and paid for, with the possible exception of the Green party, since
Elizabeth May understands this theft, perpetuate this bank theft from our
Every Premier has been so far
assimilated into the corporatist corrupt system!
Not one knows how to create jobs, but they
sure can sell us all out for their piece of the pie.
We know where PM Harper and Minister
Flaherty stand.
There is a link below to a
conversation about it with the NDP Leader Thomas Mulcair.
The only man in recent times who
wanted to use the public bank was Bob Rae when he was Ontario’s Premier, and he
was told he couldn't.
That’s why he couldn't fulfill some
of his election promises and had to take other steps, such as the infamous Rae
days. Blame the banksters.
Bill Abram he passed away last year
he was inspirational to many
Who Changed The Bank Of Canada’s
Policies In 1974 And Why?
Official history of the Bank of
Honourable Paul Hellyer: A Global
Hope Plan
NAFTA Chapter 11
Bank interest is what is behind the
austerity programs in Canada, European Union, Britain and the US
The people are suffering in order to
pay the banksters!
Yet any country can have a publicly owned
bank. It only takes the political will to set one up.
And Canada had done this for the past
for 75 years but has since stopped.
Because of the changes to the Bank of
Canada in 1974 our national debt has skyrocketed from 21.6 billion to nearly
588 billion in 3 years
Some information of James Elliott
Coyne, Governor of the Bank of Canada, from 1955 to 1961, During his time in
office, he had a much-publicized debate with Prime Minister John Diefenbaker, a
debate often referred to as the "Coyne Affair" (or sometimes the
"Coyne Crisis"), which led to his resignation.
NOTE: Before Bank of Canada Governor
Mark Carney, there was James Coyne.
Beginning in the late 1950s, Mr.
Coyne set in motion a chain of events that would eventually allow his
successors to comfortably range beyond the confines of interest-rate setting.
What these individuals did is
In Canada, the central bank’s
arm’s-length relationship with cabinet will be linked forever to Mr. Coyne, who
engaged in a public war of wills with the government of John Diefenbaker,
culminating in the Bank of Canada governor’s resignation in 1961.
The incident became known as the
“Coyne Affair,” a traumatic event that roiled financial markets, embarrassed
the government and wounded morale at the Bank of Canada.
But in the fallout, Mr. Diefenbaker
accepted that the Bank of Canada should have a clear mandate to operate without
day-to-day interference from government.
Possibly the greatest thing James Coyne did
was to spark the crisis
The capsule history of Mr. Coyne’s
fight with Mr. Diefenbaker characterizes the incident as a battle between a
principled central banker who wanted to guard against inflation, and a prime
minister who wanted to stoke a lacklustre economy.
(With strict austerity
policies or not be diverted from his austerity programme)
Conservative - Richard Bedford
Bennett,. He served as the 11th Prime Minister of Canada from August 7, 1930,
to October 23, 1935, during the worst of the Great Depression years.
Following his defeat as Prime
Minister, Bennett moved to England, and was elevated to the peerage as Viscount
Do you remember Premier Gordon
Campbell who sold BC out and then shipped to Europe as a Canadian Ambassador?
NOTE: Gordon had to resign because of
fraud and Christy Clark unelected became Premier of BC and she is selling BC
out also.
Some important friendships
One day, while Bennett was crossing
the Miramichi River on the ferry boat, This was the beginning of an improbable
but important friendship with Max Aitken, later the industrialist and British
press baron, Lord Beaverbrook.
This friendship would become
important to his success later in life, as would his friendship with the
Chatham lawyer, Lemuel J. Tweedie, a prominent
Conservative politician.
Another important friendship was with
the prominent Shirreff family of Chatham, the father being High Sheriff of
Northumberland County for 25 years. The son, Harry, joined the E.B. Eddy
Company, a large pulp and paper company.
Their friendship was crucial to his
later life when Jennie Shirreff married the head of the Eddy Company. She later
made Bennett the lawyer for her extensive interests.
He was already negotiating with Sir
James Lougheed to move to Calgary and become his law partner. Lougheed was
Calgary's richest man.
Bennett moved to Alberta in 1897. In
1908 he was one of five people appointed to the first Library Board for the
city of Calgary
Before Bennett became Prime Minister
he was already being groomed by the most financial men in Canada. In 1910,
Bennett became a director of Calgary
Power Ltd. (now formally TransAlta
Corporation) and just a year later he became the President. During his
leadership projects completed included the first storage reservoir at Lake
Minnewanka, a second transmission line to Calgary and the construction of the
Kananaskis Falls hydro station. At that time, he was also director of Rocky
Mountains Cement Company and Security Trust.
In 1905, when Alberta was carved out
of the territories and made a province, Bennett became the first leader of the
Alberta Conservative Party. In 1909, he won a seat in the provincial
legislature, before switching to federal politics.
Liberal - Louis Stephen St. Laurent,
12th Prime Minister of Canada, from 15 November 1948 to 21 June 1957.
I find this interesting
He became one of Quebec's leading
lawyers and was so highly regarded that he was offered a position in the
Cabinet of the Conservative Prime Minister Arthur Meighen
It was not until he was nearly 60
that St-Laurent finally agreed to enter politics when Liberal Prime Minister
William Lyon Mackenzie King appealed to his sense of duty in late 1941
Political Record
• Trans-Canada
Highway Act 1949
• Promoted
Canada's membership in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) 1949
• Welcomed
Newfoundland into Confederation 1949
• Canadian
participation in the Korean War 1950-1953
• Appointed
Vincent Massey first Canadian-born Governor General 1952
• Start
of construction of the St. Lawrence Seaway 1954
• Equalization
payments 1956
• Canada
Council established 1957
• Leader
of the Opposition 1957-1958
William Lyon Mackenzie King and the
Liberal party felt there was no man better qualified to succeed as Prime
Minister. St. Laurent was persuaded to stand as a candidate at the leadership
convention in August 1948, which he won.
Conservative - John George
Diefenbaker, 13th Prime Minister of Canada, serving from June 21, 1957, during
his six years as Prime Minister, his government obtained passage of the
Canadian Bill of Rights and granted the vote to the First Nations and Inuit
The Bomarc Missile Program was highly
controversial in Canada. John
Diefenbaker initially agreed to deploy the missiles, and shortly thereafter
controversially scrapped the Avro Arrow, a supersonic manned interceptor
aircraft, arguing that the missile program made the Arrow unnecessary
Now we have an idea why it was
scrapped, still many unanswered questions here. I lean towards corruption.
Initially, it was unclear whether the
missiles would be equipped with nuclear warheads. By 1960 it became known that
the missiles were to have a nuclear payload, and a debate ensued about whether
Canada should accept nuclear weapons. Ultimately, the Diefenbaker government
decided that the Bomarcs should not be equipped with nuclear warheads. The
dispute split the Diefenbaker Cabinet, and led to the collapse of the
government in 1963
Liberal - Lester Bowles
"Mike" Pearson He was the 14th Prime Minister of Canada from 22 April
1963 to 20 April 1968.
Chrétien worked his way up to
parliamentary secretary to Prime Minister Pearson.
But how did he get into cabinet and
became Finance Minister?
Well here it is Lester Pearson's
great ambition in life was to be a professional baseball player," Chrétien
recalls. "In those days, we had an annual softball game between the MPs
and the Parliamentary Press Gallery. I pitched for the MPs' team. Pearson was
the manager. We won the game. And that was the day I earned my seat in the
Jean Chrétien "I didn't want my
first vote to be against my party," Chrétien recalled. "But I had
committed during the campaign to vote against [the missile installation] unless
there was proof we'd agreed to it."
Fifty years later, Chrétien fesses up
on how he ended up voting with the Liberal government.
"They showed me some secret
cabinet documents," he told the conference. "I couldn't speak much
English and couldn't understand what I was reading, but they told me, 'Here's
the commitment in writing.' So I voted
with the government."
This is how it works ONE BOSS, and do
as your told, no independent thought do as the Party Boss says.
Liberal Party - Joseph Philippe
Pierre Yves Elliott Trudeau, usually known as Pierre Trudeau or Pierre Elliott
Trudeau, was the 15th Prime Minister of Canada from April 20, 1968 to June 4,
1979. So this happened while he was Prime Minister.
Conservative - Charles Joseph
"Joe" Clark 16th Prime Minister of Canada, from June 4, 1979, to
March 3, 1980.
After he was defeated in the next
election he returned in 1984 as a senior cabinet minister in Brian Mulroney's
Conservative Martin Brian Mulroney
(18th Prime Minister of Canada from September 17, 1984 to June 25, 1993
Now who was he working for that’s the
question sure not the good of the country
Major disastrous economic reforms, such
Canada - US Free Trade Deal – which
NAFTA: Manufacturing job loss in
Mulroney was another prime minister
of Canada who was a threat to Canadian nationhood also ran up 300 billion
dollars of new debt.
NAFTA, massive corporate tax cuts and
do-nothing industrial policies promoted by Ottawa are destroying Canada’s
manufacturing sector - this at a time when corporate profits are at an all time
high. Free trade policies have hurt both Canadian workers and workers in poorer
The High Cost Of Low Prices FULL MOVIE
No Canadian manufacturing Business
can compete with slave labour
Goods and Service tax:
• Another Tax brought in and we all
know this was another TAX scam
Meech Lake Accord:
• Resistance built and support
plummeted as a deal done in the dark came into the light. Another blunder and
millions of TAX dollars wasted
Charlottetown Accord
Another blunder and millions of TAX dollars
judge said he could not accept Mulroney’s testimony that his acceptance of at
least $300,000 in cash was an error in judgment. Rather, it was an attempt to
hide the transactions and cost the Canadian tax payers millions because they
called him a crook. He sued Canada well you the tax payer.
Conservatives and Brian Mulroney had
fallen to very low levels in the polls and Mulroney realizing that he could not
possibly win another mandate, decided to step down. REALLY,
So Kim Campbell took his place as
acting Prime Minister (She was never voted in by the Canadian citizens just the
Conservative Party).
Conservative Kim" Campbell 19th
Prime Minister of Canada, from June 25, 1993 to November 4, 1993, she was
acting Prime Minister for 132 days until she was defeated in the next election.
Gun Control
• Another blunder and millions of TAX
dollars wasted actually 7 Billion and climbing,
Liberal leader Jean Chretien defeated
her in the election mostly because of the corruption of Brian Mulroney and
policies such as NAFTA, Charlottetown Accord, GST, Charlottetown Accord, Gun
control all were found negative for the future of Canada.
The results of this election wiped
the Conservatives out of government. As the results began to come in on
election night, the vote for the Liberals became a landslide. The final results
were Liberals - 177 seats, Bloc = 54 seats, Reform Party 52 seats, NDP 9 seats,
Progressive Conservatives 2 seats and others
Liberal Party - Joseph Philippe
Pierre Yves Elliott Trudeau returned March 3, 1980 to June 30, 1984 as Prime
Now here is something to consider and
do some research your selves.
NOTE: Prime Minister: Pierre Trudeau
appointed John Turner Minister of Finance: Governor of the Bank of Canada:
Pierre Elliott Trudeau stepped down
June 4, 1979. This is important!
John Napier Wyndham Turner, 17th
Prime Minister of Canada from June 30, 1984 to September 17, 1984.
What happened from June 4, 1979 to
June 30, 1979 in these 26 days?
Highway from east to west or vise versa,
infrastructure, EI, pension’s funds, Top of the world Health care and only had
a debt of 21.6 Billion dollars.
Turner held the office of Prime
Minister for 79 days (the second shortest tenure in Canadian history after
Charles Tupper), as he dissolved Parliament immediately after being sworn in as
Prime Minister.
Connecting the DOTS
He then flew over to see the Queen;
something does not sit well with this.
So why would he have to fly over to
see the Queen, well here is what most Canadians think that Canada is an
independent country. Well it’s not
What powers does the Queen have?
The Queen has the right to rule: the
people are not citizens, but subjects of the monarch. Most public servants must
swear an oath of loyalty, or make an affirmation of their loyalty, to the
The Canadian Oath of Allegiance is a
promise or declaration of fealty to the
Canadian monarch, taken, along with
other specific oaths of office, by new occupants of various federal and
provincial government offices, members of federal, provincial, and municipal
police forces, military of the Canadian Forces and, in some provinces, all
lawyers upon admission to the bar. The Oath of Allegiance also makes up the
first portion of the Oath of Citizenship, the taking of which is a requirement
of obtaining Canadian citizenship.
The Queen has the right to be
consulted and to "advise and warn" ministers.
Otherwise her residual
powers - the "royal prerogative" - are mostly exercised through the
government of the day. These include the power to enact legislation, to award
honours (on the advice of the prime minister), to sign treaties and to declare
But royal prerogative is the subject
of controversy, because it confers on governments the power to make major
decisions without recourse to parliament.
When Edward Heath brought Britain
into the EEC in 1972, parliament was not consulted until afterwards. Similarly,
Margaret Thatcher used royal prerogative to go to war in the Falklands in 1982.
In Canada Apr 3, 2011 - Queen
dissolves Canadian Parliament for third time in 3 years for – Canadian Prime
Minister Stephen Harper.
Prime Minister Stephen Harper will visit the Governor
General today to dissolve Parliament, setting the stage for a federal election
in early May.
The Harper government was defeated in the House of
Commons on Friday on a non-confidence motion declaring the government in
contempt of Parliament.
It is the first time in Canadian history that a
government has been found in contempt.
For those in denial of the Queen’s
power over her colony-states, here are previous occurrences:
Canadian Harper
PM wins suspension of
The Queen has two individual powers
that could cause a political crisis if they were ever exercised. She may refuse
a government's request to dissolve parliament and call an election, if she
believes a government can legitimately be formed. She also has the right to
choose the prime minister: a formality in the case of a clear majority, but
potentially controversial after an inconclusive
general election.
the past 10 years, the Canadian cost of supporting the monarchy has more than
doubled. We pay the Queen roughly 50 million a year.
QUEEN of 16 Member States - QUEEN of CANADA
QUEEN of 16 Member States - QUEEN of CANADA
In his political career, Turner held
several prominent Cabinet posts, including ----
---Minister of Justice and Minister
of Finance, under Prime Minister Pierre
Trudeau from 1968 to June 4, 1979. So
he was involved in the Bank of Canada
Remember 1974 Bank of Canada was removed,
we had 21.6 billion dollar debt to ourselves, and in 1997 just 3 short years’
later Canadian citizens were in debt to a private bank of a tune of 588
If you got money you can get away
with Murder or get away with anything you want that’s our system they created
for us. It’s the law that taught us this. Go ahead and break the law if you
have money or write the law yourself if you have money.
Montreal Police were told to increase
tickets from 18 a day to 28. This is just a tax grab.
Now with Canada going into recession
or possible a depression and the prospect of having to implement the unpopular
wage and price controls, Turner surprisingly resigned his position as Prime
Mister of Canada from June 4, 1979 to June 30, 1974 in only 26 days.
So from 1974- 1977 Canada debt went
from $21.6 billion to 588 billion in three short years
NOTE: John Turner was made Minister
of Justice, which was the position that Trudeau had held before becoming Prime
Minister and while in that position
Trudeau and the Liberals won the 74 election
by opposing wage and price controls, but once in power, Trudeau switched horses
and decided to bring them in.
Turner under growing pressure in his
position as Finance Minister and with no other interesting options available to
him decided to leave politics and in 1979
In 1979 the Liberals were defeated
and Trudeau stepped down. Turner was asked to run for the leadership but seeing
the fortunes of the party at low ebb and a potentially a long hard battle to
rebuild it at hand, he decided against it.
Through the twists of political fate,
Joe Clark was defeated during a vote of confidence, Trudeau returned as leader
and the Liberals won another majority mandate.
After a hiatus from politics from
1975 to 1984, Turner returned and successfully contested the Liberal
leadership. Turner held the office of Prime Minister for 79 days (the second
shortest tenure in Canadian history after Charles Tupper), as he dissolved
Parliament immediately after being sworn in as Prime Minister.
Why did he dissolve Parliament?
Then he calls an election and then
went on to lose the 1984 election in a landslide to Conservative Martin Brian
Mulroney September 17, 1984 - June 25, 1993. But I will go into more detail on
this later.
John Turner was also saddled with the
negative issues of the Trudeau years and the desire by many for a change. One
of the main issues of the election was some patronage appointments which were
made and which he approved of which although traditional and in line with past
practices and standards, did not go down well with the electorate.
The Conservatives jumped on these
appointments and made them into a banner of corrupt Liberal practices. Turner
and the Liberals were badly beaten.
From the late 1960s until the
mid-1980s, he dominated the Canadian political scene and was appointed as
Lester Pearson's Parliamentary Secretary, and later became his Minister of
Justice and Minister of Finance
Liberal Party - Lester Bowles
"Mike" Pearson was the 14th Prime Minister of Canada from 22 April
1963 to 20 April 1968, as the head of two back-to Liberal Governments in 1963
and 1965
John Napier Wyndham Turner 17th Prime
Minister of Canada from June 30 to September 17, 1984.
In his political career, Turner held
several prominent Cabinet posts, including Minister of Justice and Minister of
Finance, under Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau from 1968 to 1975.
Isn't that convenient he returned the
same favour Lester Pearson did for him and did they same exact thing for John
Napier he was appointed Minister of Justice and Minister of Finance
NOTE: Prime Minister: Pierre Trudeau
Minister of Finance: John Turner Governor of the Bank of Canada:
Amid a world recession and the
prospect of having to implement the unpopular wage and price controls, Turner
surprisingly resigned his position in 1975. After a hiatus from politics from
1975 to 1984, Turner returned and successfully contested the Liberal
Why did he contest the Liberal
Leadership? I have my opinion.
Turner held the office of Prime
Minister for 79 days (the second shortest tenure in Canadian history after
Charles Tupper), as he dissolved Parliament immediately after being sworn in as
Prime Minister, and went on to lose the 1984 election in a landslide.
Turner stayed on as Liberal leader
and headed the Official Opposition for the next six years, leading his party to
a modest recovery in the 1988 campaign, resigning from politics in 1990.
1984, and John Turner succeeded him
as Prime Minister.
Admirers praise the force of
Trudeau's intellect and salute his political acumen in preserving national
unity against the Quebec sovereignty movement, suppressing a violent revolt,
and establishing the Charter of Rights and Freedoms within Canada's constitution.
Critics accuse him of arrogance, economic mismanagement, and unduly favouring
the federal government relative to the provinces, especially in trying to
distribute the oil wealth of the Prairies.
Liberal - Paul Edgar Philippe Martin
also known as Paul Martin, Jr. was the 21st Prime Minister of Canada.
Martin served as the Member of
Parliament from 1988 election to his retirement in 2008.
Now we have Harper and let’s take a
good look at what he has done or not done for Canada, by far he has to be the
worst Prime Minister in our history of Canada.
NOTE: Bank of Canada is still the
Number one fraud, but Harper also well aware of this fraud of the bank of
Canada still continues to put many more nails in to the Canadian coffin than any
other Prime Minster.
His Policies will shock you if you
have not paid attention. I also will understand as the main Media in Canada has
not informed most Canadians of his dealing.
Conservative -Stephen Harper Prime
Minister is the 22nd and current Prime Minister of Canada .Harper became Prime
Minister in 2006, forming a minority government after the 2006 election.
Harper with a power base in Alberta
and home of Canada's oil boom, Known as an ally of Canadian fossil fuels, has
promoted their export to the U.S. and China.
Harper dismantled many environmental
restrictions on economic growth.
Canada has become an international
laggard in environmental policy and practice is now an incontrovertible fact.
In 2009, the Conference Board of
Canada ranked Canada 15th out of 17 wealthy industrialized nations on
environmental performance. In 2010, researchers at Simon Fraser University
ranked Canada 24th out of 25 OECD nations on environmental performance.
Not one of the bills introduced in
the current session is intended to improve Canada’s environmental record.
Instead, environmental laws are being weakened to expedite industrial
development. Standards are being relaxed to meet industry’s demands.
Military-Industrial Complex
The blending of sport and the
military, with the government as the marching band, is part of the new
nationalism the Conservatives are trying to instil. It is another example of
how the state, under Stephen Harper's governance, is becoming all-intrusive.
... State controls are now at a highpoint in our modern history. There is every
indication they will extend further
Harper sells out Canada
To be blunt, Canadians have not spent
years reducing the ownership of sectors of the economy by our own governments,
only to see them bought and controlled by foreign governments instead $15
billion takeover of Canada’s Nexen oil and gas giant by the China National
Offshore Oil Corporation.
Harper also allowed Malaysia’s
state-owned Petronas’ $6 billion takeover of natural gas company Progress
Canada also used to have a
state-owned energy company — PetroCanada — that allowed us a significant window
on the oil and gas industry from exploration to gas stations.
What’s more, five of the world’s
top-10 most profitable companies are big oil and gas firms
But a Conservative government began
privatizing PetroCanada and the following Liberal government finished it off.
Harper has not only gone in the
opposite direction, it’s also allowing foreign companies to take over what is
rightfully ours. Brilliant!
Below is a short list of some of the
recent crimes against this country perpetrated by Mr. Harper and his cronies:
Refused to take responsibility for
the detainment and TORTURE of Afghani soldiers
Hired a convicted fraud-artist to
help with his campaign
Appointed a creationist as science
minister (who refused to answer questions about evolution because “it was
against his religious beliefs)
Plans to spend billions of dollars on
a new fleet of fighters while millions don’t have enough to eat, highest
poverty in Canadian history
Ignore elections act legislation by
“in-and-out”-ing large cash sums to individual ridings to defraud tax-payers
and fund local candidates.
Continued centralization of power in
the Premier’s office at the expense of elected representatives
Used the RCMP to suppress free-speech
during the G8/G20 summit (and spent 1.4 BILLION on that security)
Harper Got Canada kicked off the UN
Security Council.
Right Did Wrong:
How Stephen Harper’s government destroyed
Canada’s reputation as an honest broker and lost the vote for a seat at the UN
Security Council.
Has been an ardent supporter of the
oil-sands, and enemy of environmentalism.
Since he was elected, Canada has had
the worst environmental record of any of the G8 nations.
Showed a decided partisan bias during
stimulus spending, in which 60% of stimulus money was spent in conservative
ridings (when only 46% of ridings were conservative; leaving the other 54%
percent to split the remaining 40% of the money)
Used $50 million of a G8 legacy fund
to pay for projects in Tony Clement’s riding of Muskoka/Parry Sound, despite
the bulk of the projects having NOTHING to do with the G8/G20 and being, in
some cases, 100 km away from any of the summit sites (all of this without the
approval of parliament).
Forced municipal and hospital
amalgamations (reduced local democracy).
Forced amalgamations of school boards
and stripped trustees of powers
Diminished workers rights to engage
in fair collective bargaining
Deregulation and privatization (less
public control)
Gutting of the Ontario Women’s
Changed Legislative rules to limit
parliamentary debate.
Cut back on advocacy groups funding
Reduced the number of ridings and
representatives in Ontario by about 25%.
Set up the permanent voter’s list
which helped disenfranchise enough students and tenants to help them to squeak
to a second “majority” with less than 10,000 votes province-wide in 9 ridings
and only 45% of the popular vote despite a citizens’ campaign for “strategic
voting” to defeat the government.
Ejected REGISTERED attendees from his
campaign stops after SEARCHING
THROUGH THEIR FACEBOOK PROFILES. These people were actually there to listen,
but clearly the only people that Harper can talk to are people who already
bought his bullshit.
Has actually lowered taxes on the
wealthy to the point where the bottom 10% wage earners are actually taxed more
than the top 1%.
Did not investigate the “Bev Oda”
scandal, in which one of his own ministers pencilled in a “not” that denied
federal funding to an international aid organization, and then lied about it.
Misrepresented a quote from auditor
general Sheila Fraser to make it sound like she supported the Harper
Government’s handling of the G8 monies (she was in fact referring to the
Liberal handling of the 9/11 relief fund…)
Okay, so I think the above is a good
start but I think they sum a lot of the above up nicely. I will add to this post as I go on…
Harper promised open accountable
government, Harper has lead one of the most secretive, authoritarian
governments in Canadian history.
Stephen Harper has reshaped Canada in
two years:
Two years of Harper government have
brought profound changes to Canada, and some may be hard to undo. Not everyone
is celebrating Canada’s birthday this year.
Most are getting ready the funeral of
Stephen Harper’s Conservatives have
reshaped much of this country in 24 short months.
From the environment, to health care,
to foreign policy, this is a different Canada than it was May 2, 2011, and many
of the Harper initiatives may not be easily undone by future governments, or
even future leaders of a Conservative government
The two-year-old government has cut
scientific research, muzzled its scientists, put limits on the independence of
Statistics Canada and is facing charges that it plans to wield more influence
over the CBC..
But some of the biggest changes in
two years under the Harper government have been our place in the world.
What's happening here: There is a
"lack of sense of inner self-restraint on the part of the prime minister,
a sense that it is some kind of war and therefore anything is legitimate, that
it's quite acceptable for a prime minister to lie.
Prorogued Parliament (three!) to
cover up/interrupt investigations into misconduct in his cabinet
The Canadian Parliament was dissolved
in March 2011, after his government failed a no-confidence vote on the issue of
the Cabinet being in contempt of parliament.
American TV
political commentator Rachel Maddow shares her thoughts on Harper’s political
Harper has made Canada the laughing stock of the
world [video]
In behaving more like would be third-world dictator
rather than like the leader of an industrialized nation, Stephen Harper has
made Canada (rightly) the laughing stock of the world.
Ironically, if you want to hear from
the other Canada, the former Canada, the one so much admired by the world, hold
your breath.
Trade Deals – you think NAFTA
crippled this nation have a look at these trade deals from Harper
Some facts on FIPA
Formally called the Security and
Prosperity Partnership of North America (SPP) - is finally breaking out of the
secret chambers of the ruling elite and the federal government.
Now back to Bank of Canada has
amassed a federal debt over $600 billion by mid-2013
Prime Minister: Pierre Trudeau
Minister of Finance: John Turner
Governor of the Bank of Canada:
Gerald Bouey
Because of the changes to the Bank of
Canada in 1974 our national debt has skyrocketed from 21.6 billion to nearly
600 billion.
Which are owed to private banks like
CIBC, TD Bank, the Royal bank, and Scotia banks and every one of these banks
have Bilderberg association.
And secondly, what was the reasoning
for the change in policy?
Pierre Elliot Trudeau, like many
other Canadian Prime Ministers attended the Bilderberg group meetings before
being elected.
Trudeau also served in the mid-1990s
on Power Corp.’s international advisory board. Also Paul Martin
Paul Desmarais financed Paul Martin
Political career
Gerald Bouey was a member of David
Rockefeller’s Trilateral Commission. Rockefeller is also a chairman of the
Bilderberg group.
“Some even believe we (the
Rockefeller family) are part of a secret cabal working against the best
interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists’
and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated
global political and economic structure – one world, if you will. If that’s the
charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.”
- David Rockefeller, Memoirs, page
David Rockefeller Sept. 23, 1994
“This present window of opportunity, during which a truly peaceful and
interdependent world order might be built, will not be open for too long — we
are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major
crisis and the nations will accept the New World Order.”
Mainly due to the massive amounts of
debt we are forced to pay unlawfully.
Could this be the right major crisis
that he spoke of?
Former Prime Minister - John Turner
said the most powerful business man sit behind secret meeting to sell out
Canadian sovereignty
While Paul Martin was doing a
presentation a student asked him about the Bilderberg group and he replied if
this student asks anymore such question he would leave. In the video Oh Canada
our Bought and Sold land you can see this in the video
From readers
Digest what it should have said
The history of Canada’s federal debt;
obviously something went terribly wrong after 1974. Over a 108 year period
(1867-1974) the accumulated debt shows as nearly a flat line growing to only
$21.6 billion. But around 1974, the debt began to grow exponentially
So, what happened around 1974? In
that year
To achieve that goal, the Committee
discouraged borrowing from a nation’s own central bank interest-free and
encouraged borrowing from private creditors
The Basel Committee was established
by the central-bank Governors of the Group of Ten countries of the member
central banks of the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), which included
A key objective of the Committee was
and is to maintain “monetary and financial stability.”To achieve that goal, the
Committee discouraged borrowing from a nation’s own central bank interest-free
and encouraged borrowing from private creditors, all in the name of
“maintaining the stability of the currency.”
The presumption was that borrowing
from a central bank with the power to create money on its books would inflate
the money supply and prices. Borrowing from private creditors, on the other
hand, was considered not to be inflationary, since it involved the recycling of
pre-existing money.
What the bankers did not reveal,
although they had long known it themselves, was that private banks create the
money they lend just as public banks do. The difference is simply that a
publicly-owned bank returns the interest to the government and the community,
while a privately-owned bank siphons the interest into its capital account, to
be re-invested at further interest, progressively drawing money out of the
productive economy.
Lobbying by the banks and adoption of
monetarism — the idea that “markets know best” and should be without
regulation, and that public services should be privatized — took hold.
So, around 1974, the Government of
Canada began to borrow all of the monies to cover its shortfalls from the
private sector at interest rather than creating money through the Bank of
Canada interest-free. In other words, since 1974, the Bank of Canada has not
been acting in the best interest of its shareholders: the people of Canada.
To understand how ridiculous the
present situation is, consider the 1993 Auditor General of Canada report
(Section 5.41)3 which states:
NOTE: Of this, $37 billion represents
the accumulated shortfall in meeting the cost of government programs since
Confederation. The remainder, $386 billion, represents the amount the
government has borrowed to service the debt created by previous annual
In other words, of the accumulated
debt of $423 billion, the government really needed to borrow only $37
billion—accumulated over 127 years—to cover its shortfalls on real spending for
goods and services.
The rest of that accumulated debt was
monies borrowed to service the debt, essentially a payment of interest on
interest to the private sector when the government could have created the money
to cover the shortfall at what amounts to be no interest.
In 2011, alone, Canadian taxpayers
paid the private banks an estimated $37.7 billion to service the federal debt
From 1974–1975 to 2010, Canadian
taxpayers have paid one trillion, 100 billion dollars ($1,100,000,000,000) in
interest on the federal debt to private lenders.
In 2011, alone, Canadian taxpayers
paid the private banks an estimated $37.7 billion to service the federal
debt—over $103 million each and every day of the year!
These are tax dollars that were
stolen through fraud and corruption that could have gone towards
infrastructure, health care, education, and other social needs.
If the Government of Canada used the
Bank of Canada to create the money to cover its shortfall as it was intended to
we would not have any of these problems. Ultimately, the government could pay
off the federal debt through the same means.
And consider this AGAIN: from
confederation to 1974, Canada fought two world wars, went through a major
depression, constructed major infrastructures such as the St. Lawrence Seaway,
Trans-Canada Highway, International airports, Canadian National Railway, and
brought in social welfare programs such as Family Allowance, Old Age Security
pensions, Canada Pension Plan, Universal
Health Care and wound up with a total
accumulated debt of only $21.6 billion.
Today our federal debt is approaching
$600 billion and the government is continually cutting services while our
infrastructure is not being maintained.
Meanwhile, the private banks keep
increasing their already obscene profits. This “subsidy” to the private banks
must end.
The solution to this problem is
simply for the government to stop borrowing money from the private banks at
interest and borrow from the Bank of Canada at no interest. The private banks
should also be prevented from creating money. That right should be returned to
the People of Canada through the Bank of Canada.
This is how it should work Canada
gives the Bank of Canada an IOU; bank of Canada creates money to Canada at 0
percent interest.
Canada takes the money and gives it
to Canadian people to create jobs.
The Canadian people pay back the bank
of Canada and since there is no compounded interest the DEBT will not grow
This will allow the people of Canada
to pay off the debt and use the money on real things rather than paying some
private bank that steals your hard earned labour for money.
Also whoever was responsible for
these crimes prosecuted to full extent of the LAW by the PEOPLE...
And, over a mere 39 years, it reached over
$600 billion in 2013.
Canada our bought and sold out
Isn't that convenient he returned the
same favour Lester Pearson did for him and did they same exact thing for John
Napier he was appointed Minister of Justice and Minister of Finance
NOTE: Prime Minister: Pierre Trudeau
Minister of Finance: John Turner Governor of the Bank of Canada:
Amid a world recession and the
prospect of having to implement the unpopular wage and price controls, Turner
surprisingly resigned his position in 1975. After a hiatus from politics from
1975 to 1984, Turner returned and successfully contested the Liberal
Why did he contest the Liberal
Leadership? I have my opinion.
Turner held the office of Prime
Minister for 79 days (the second shortest tenure in Canadian history after
Charles Tupper), as he dissolved Parliament immediately after being sworn in as
Prime Minister, and went on to lose the 1984 election in a landslide.
Turner stayed on as Liberal leader
and headed the Official Opposition for the next six years, leading his party to
a modest recovery in the 1988 campaign, resigning from politics in 1990.
1984, and John Turner succeeded him
as Prime Minister.
Admirers praise the force of
Trudeau's intellect and salute his political acumen in preserving national
unity against the Quebec sovereignty movement, suppressing a violent revolt,
and establishing the Charter of Rights and Freedoms within Canada's
constitution. Critics accuse him of arrogance, economic mismanagement, and
unduly favouring the federal government relative to the provinces, especially
in trying to distribute the oil wealth of the Prairies.
Liberal - Paul Edgar Philippe Martin
also known as Paul Martin, Jr. was the 21st Prime Minister of Canada.
Martin served as the Member of
Parliament from 1988 election to his retirement in 2008.
Now we have Harper and let’s take a
good look at what he has done or not done for Canada, by far he has to be the
worst Prime Minister in our history of Canada.
NOTE: Bank of Canada is still the
Number one fraud, but Harper also well aware of this fraud of the bank of
Canada still continues to put many more nails in to the Canadian coffin than
any other Prime Minster.
His Policies will shock you if you
have not paid attention. I also will understand as the main Media in Canada has
not informed most Canadians of his dealing.
Conservative -Stephen Harper Prime
Minister is the 22nd and current Prime Minister of Canada .Harper became Prime
Minister in 2006, forming a minority government after the 2006 election.
Harper with a power base in Alberta
and home of Canada's oil boom, Known as an ally of Canadian fossil fuels, has
promoted their export to the U.S. and China.
Harper dismantled many environmental
restrictions on economic growth.
Canada has become an international
laggard in environmental policy and practice is now an incontrovertible fact.
In 2009, the Conference Board of
Canada ranked Canada 15th out of 17 wealthy industrialized nations on
environmental performance. In 2010, researchers at Simon Fraser University
ranked Canada 24th out of 25 OECD nations on environmental performance.
Not one of the bills introduced in
the current session is intended to improve Canada’s environmental record.
Instead, environmental laws are being weakened to expedite industrial
development. Standards are being relaxed to meet industry’s demands.
Military-Industrial Complex
Harper increased federal defense spending by
nearly $1 billion annually in his first four years in office, with more
projected. The new Canada is a place where militarism is given pride of place
over peacemaking.
The blending of sport and the
military, with the government as the marching band, is part of the new
nationalism the Conservatives are trying to instil. It is another example of
how the state, under Stephen Harper's governance, is becoming all-intrusive.
... State controls are now at a highpoint in our modern history. There is every
indication they will extend further
Harper sells out Canada
To be blunt, Canadians have not spent
years reducing the ownership of sectors of the economy by our own governments,
only to see them bought and controlled by foreign governments instead $15
billion takeover of Canada’s Nexen oil and gas giant by the China National
Offshore Oil Corporation.
Harper also allowed Malaysia’s
state-owned Petronas’ $6 billion takeover of natural gas company Progress
Canada also used to have a
state-owned energy company — PetroCanada — that allowed us a significant window
on the oil and gas industry from exploration to gas stations.
What’s more, five of the world’s
top-10 most profitable companies are big oil and gas firms
But a Conservative government began
privatizing PetroCanada and the following Liberal government finished it off.
Harper has not only gone in the
opposite direction, it’s also allowing foreign companies to take over what is
rightfully ours. Brilliant!
Below is a short list of some of the
recent crimes against this country perpetrated by Mr. Harper and his cronies:
Refuses to take responsibility for ANYTHING
Refused to take responsibility for
the detainment and TORTURE of Afghani soldiers
Hired a convicted fraud-artist to
help with his campaign
Appointed a creationist as science
minister (who refused to answer questions about evolution because “it was
against his religious beliefs)
Plans to spend billions of dollars on
a new fleet of fighters while millions don’t have enough to eat, highest
poverty in Canadian history
Ignore elections act legislation by
“in-and-out”-ing large cash sums to individual ridings to defraud tax-payers
and fund local candidates.
Continued centralization of power in
the Premier’s office at the expense of elected representatives
Used the RCMP to suppress free-speech
during the G8/G20 summit (and spent 1.4 BILLION on that security)
Harper Got Canada kicked off the UN
Security Council.
The Right Did Wrong:
How Stephen Harper’s government
destroyed Canada’s reputation as an honest broker and lost the vote for a seat at
the UN Security Council.
Has been an ardent supporter of the
oil-sands, and enemy of environmentalism. Since he was elected, Canada has had
the worst environmental record of any of the G8 nations.
Used his newly appointed Senate (full of
conservative politicians unable to get elected in their own ridings), to kill a
climate bill that had already passed the house (presumably at the behest of his
key sponsor, the Alberta oil-sands companies).
Showed a decided partisan bias during
stimulus spending, in which 60% of stimulus money was spent in conservative
ridings (when only 46% of ridings were conservative; leaving the other 54%
percent to split the remaining 40% of the money)
Used $50 million of a G8 legacy fund
to pay for projects in Tony Clement’s riding of Muskoka/Parry Sound, despite
the bulk of the projects having NOTHING to do with the G8/G20 and being, in
some cases, 100 km away from any of the summit sites (all of this without the
approval of parliament).
Forced municipal and hospital
amalgamations (reduced local democracy).
Forced amalgamations of school boards
and stripped trustees of powers
Diminished workers rights to engage
in fair collective bargaining
Deregulation and privatization (less
public control)
Gutting of the Ontario Women’s
Changed Legislative rules to limit
parliamentary debate.
Cut back on advocacy groups funding
Reduced the number of ridings and
representatives in Ontario by about 25%.
Set up the permanent voter’s list
which helped disenfranchise enough students and tenants to help them to squeak
to a second “majority” with less than 10,000 votes province-wide in 9 ridings
and only 45% of the popular vote despite a citizens’ campaign for “strategic
voting” to defeat the government.
Ejected REGISTERED attendees from his
campaign stops after SEARCHING THROUGH THEIR FACEBOOK PROFILES. These people were actually there to listen,
but clearly the only people that Harper can talk to are people who already
bought his bullshit.
Has actually lowered taxes on the wealthy
to the point where the bottom 10% wage earners are actually taxed more than the
top 1%.
Did not investigate the “Bev Oda”
scandal, in which one of his own ministers pencilled in a “not” that denied
federal funding to an international aid organization, and then lied about it
Misrepresented a quote from auditor
general Sheila Fraser to make it sound like she supported the Harper
Government’s handling of the G8 monies (she was in fact referring to the
Liberal handling of the 9/11 relief fund…)
Okay, so I think the above is a good
start but I think they sum a lot of the above up nicely. I will add to this post as I go on…
Harper promised open accountable
government, Harper has lead one of the most secretive, authoritarian
governments in Canadian history.
Stephen Harper has reshaped Canada in
two years:
Two years of Harper government have
brought profound changes to Canada, and some may be hard to undo. Not everyone
is celebrating Canada’s birthday this year.
Most are getting ready the funeral of
Stephen Harper’s Conservatives have
reshaped much of this country in 24 short months.
From the environment, to health care,
to foreign policy, this is a different Canada than it was May 2, 2011, and many
of the Harper initiatives may not be easily undone by future governments, or
even future leaders of a Conservative government
The two-year-old government has cut
scientific research, muzzled its scientists, put limits on the independence of
Statistics Canada and is facing charges that it plans to wield more influence
over the CBC..
But some of the biggest changes in
two years under the Harper government have been our place in the world.
What's happening here: There is a
"lack of sense of inner self-restraint on the part of the prime minister,
a sense that it is some kind of war and therefore anything is legitimate, that
it's quite acceptable for a prime minister to lie.
Prorogued Parliament (three!) to
cover up/interrupt investigations into misconduct in his cabinet
The Canadian Parliament was dissolved
in March 2011, after his government failed a no-confidence vote on the issue of
the Cabinet being in contempt of parliament.
American TV political commentator
Rachel Maddow shares her thoughts on Harper’s political machinations
Harper has made Canada the laughing
stock of the world [video]
In behaving more like would be
third-world dictator rather than like the leader of an industrialized nation,
Stephen Harper has made Canada (rightly) the laughing stock of the world.
Ironically, if you want to hear from
the other Canada, the former Canada, the one so much admired by the world, hold
your breath.
Trade Deals – you think NAFTA crippled
this nation have a look at these trade deals from Harper
Some facts on FIPA
Formally called the Security and
Prosperity Partnership of North America (SPP) - is finally breaking out of the
secret chambers of the ruling elite and the federal government.
Now back to Bank of Canada has
amassed a federal debt over $600 billion by mid-2013
Prime Minister: Pierre Trudeau
Minister of Finance: John Turner
Governor of the Bank of Canada:
Gerald Bouey
Because of the changes to the Bank of
Canada in 1974 our national debt has skyrocketed from 21.6 billion to nearly
600 billion.
Which are owed to private banks like
CIBC, TD Bank, the Royal bank, and Scotia banks and every one of these banks
have Bilderberg association.
And secondly, what was the reasoning
for the change in policy?
Pierre Elliot Trudeau, like many
other Canadian Prime Ministers attended the Bilderberg group meetings before
being elected.
Trudeau also served in the mid-1990s
on Power Corp.’s international advisory board. Also Paul Martin
Paul Desmarais financed Paul Martin
Political career
Gerald Bouey was a member of David
Rockefeller’s Trilateral Commission. Rockefeller is also a chairman of the
Bilderberg group.
Both the trilateral commission and Bilderberg
g group are very well known for promoting a global government or what others
have called a “new world order”.
“Some even believe we (the
Rockefeller family) are part of a secret cabal working against the best
interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as
‘internationalists’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a
more integrated global political and economic structure – one world, if you
will. If that’s the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.”
- David Rockefeller, Memoirs, page
David Rockefeller Sept. 23, 1994
“This present window of opportunity, during which a truly peaceful and
interdependent world order might be built, will not be open for too long — we
are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major
crisis and the nations will accept the New World Order.”
With every day that passes a global economic
collapse seems to be only a matter of time.
Mainly due to the massive amounts of
debt we are forced to pay unlawfully.
Could this be the right major crisis
that he spoke of?
The change in policy came, to help the
Canadian economy recover from what the government billed as a major recession.
When in reality the recession was small at best. Well it has and they succeeded
to enslave US all.
Former Prime Minister - John Turner
said the most powerful business man sit behind secret meeting to sell out
Canadian sovereignty
While Paul Martin was doing a
presentation a student asked him about the Bilderberg group and he replied if
this student asks anymore such question he would leave. In the video Oh Canada
our Bought and Sold land you can see this in the video
From readers Digest
Reader Digest what it should have
The history of Canada’s federal debt;
obviously something went terribly wrong after 1974. Over a 108 year period
(1867-1974) the accumulated debt shows as nearly a flat line growing to only
$21.6 billion. But around 1974, the debt began to grow exponentially
So, what happened around 1974? In
that year
To achieve that goal, the Committee
discouraged borrowing from a nation’s own central bank interest-free and
encouraged borrowing from private creditors
The Basel Committee was established
by the central-bank Governors of the Group of Ten countries of the member
central banks of the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), which included
A key objective of the Committee was
and is to maintain “monetary and financial stability.”To achieve that goal, the
Committee discouraged borrowing from a nation’s own central bank interest-free
and encouraged borrowing from private creditors, all in the name of
“maintaining the stability of the currency.”
The presumption was that borrowing
from a central bank with the power to create money on its books would inflate
the money supply and prices. Borrowing from private creditors, on the other
hand, was considered not to be inflationary, since it involved the recycling of
pre-existing money.
What the bankers did not reveal,
although they had long known it themselves, was that private banks create the
money they lend just as public banks do. The difference is simply that a publicly-owned
bank returns the interest to the government and the community, while a
privately-owned bank siphons the interest into its capital account, to be
re-invested at further interest, progressively drawing money out of the
productive economy.
Lobbying by the banks and adoption of
monetarism — the idea that “markets know best” and should be without
regulation, and that public services should be privatized — took hold.
So, around 1974, the Government of
Canada began to borrow all of the monies to cover its shortfalls from the
private sector at interest rather than creating money through the Bank of
Canada interest-free. In other words, since 1974, the Bank of Canada has not
been acting in the best interest of its shareholders: the people of Canada.
To understand how ridiculous the
present situation is, consider the 1993 Auditor General of Canada report
(Section 5.41)3 which states:
NOTE: Of this, $37 billion represents
the accumulated shortfall in meeting the cost of government programs since
Confederation. The remainder, $386 billion, represents the amount the
government has borrowed to service the debt created by previous annual
In other words, of the accumulated
debt of $423 billion, the government really needed to borrow only $37 billion—accumulated
over 127 years—to cover its shortfalls on real spending for goods and services.
The rest of that accumulated debt was
monies borrowed to service the debt, essentially a payment of interest on
interest to the private sector when the government could have created the money
to cover the shortfall at what amounts to be no interest
In 2011, alone, Canadian taxpayers
paid the private banks an estimated $37.7 billion to service the federal debt
From 1974–1975 to 2010, Canadian
taxpayers have paid one trillion, 100 billion dollars ($1,100,000,000,000) in
interest on the federal debt to private lenders.
In 2011, alone, Canadian taxpayers
paid the private banks an estimated $37.7 billion to service the federal
debt—over $103 million each and every day of the year!
These are tax dollars that were
stolen through fraud and corruption that could have gone towards
infrastructure, health care, education, and other social needs.
If the Government of Canada used the
Bank of Canada to create the money to cover its shortfall as it was intended to
we would not have any of these problems.
Ultimately, the government could pay
off the federal debt through the same means.
And consider this AGAIN: from
confederation to 1974, Canada fought two world wars, went through a major
depression, constructed major infrastructures such as the St. Lawrence Seaway,
Trans-Canada Highway, International airports, Canadian National Railway, and
brought in social welfare programs such as Family Allowance, Old Age Security
pensions, Canada Pension Plan, Universal Health Care and wound up with a total
accumulated debt of only $21.6 billion
Today our federal debt is approaching
$600 billion and the government is continually cutting services while our
infrastructure is not being maintained.
Meanwhile, the private banks keep
increasing their already obscene profits. This “subsidy” to the private banks
must end.
The Solution
The solution to this problem is
simply for the government to stop borrowing money from the private banks at interest
and borrow from the Bank of Canada at no interest. The private banks should
also be prevented from creating money. That right should be returned to the
People of Canada through the Bank of Canada.
This is how it should work Canada
gives the Bank of Canada an IOU; bank of Canada creates money to Canada at 0
percent interest.
Canada takes the money and gives it
to Canadian people to create jobs.
The Canadian people pay back the bank
of Canada and since there is no compounded interest the DEBT will not grow
This will allow the people of Canada
to pay off the debt and use the money on real things rather than paying some
private bank that steals your hard earned labour for money.
Also whoever was responsible for
these crimes prosecuted to full extent of the LAW by the PEOPLE...
And, over a mere 39 years, it reached over
$600 billion in 2013.
Canada our bought and sold out
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