Do your own research and discovery and let your findings speak to you higher inner-self. Your higher mind and your heart will know the Truth when it is experienced. You will awake that which is necessary for your journey in this life.
What if tomorrow and everything you had thought was true was a deception?
A deception formed by people that stood to profit from your ignorance. Not just on one small area but every facet of your existence. Would you want to know? Or, would you be content with the life you had before you discovered the truth?
Could you close your eyes and act as if nothing ever happened? What if you could see the ways that you have been deceived and the way that those that came before you were made to believe a lie? How valuable would the truth become? Would it make you change your habits? your routines? the way you talk or think or speak? Would it impact you or would you brush it off and carry on with business as usual?
I document my life, and in particular, the challenges inherent in navigating an uncertain future while trying to heal from tremendous loss and grief.
My writing is raw and honest, but also, I believe, hopeful, and ultimately about redemption. These last six years has been a roller-coaster with incredible highs, lows and sacrifice.
During my school years my favorite subjects were History, Math, and research. I questioned much of what they were programming or taught to me to believe TRUE .
After graduating high school, I decided to become and began to learn more about History, and found that much of what I was taught in school was either a lie or misleading or fabricated

Our public school systems are set up to get the students primed for economic slavery without ever offering courses that allow to students to think creatively or freely.
Granted some things that we learn in school are the truth, such as math, music and some science but our TRUE history has been kept from us for reasons of subservience, control and conformity.
Education or Indoctrination?
Ultimately, the education system can be blamed for feeding us propaganda and forcing us to regurgitate it so the majority of the public is still lives in denial of the TRUTH.
Example with the George W. Bush's grandfather, Prescott Bush, was arrested for funding both sides of World War II yet we never learned this in school.

Again I will say this -Our public school systems are set up to get the students primed for economic slavery without ever offering courses that allow to students to think creatively or freely.
When will we finally learn to live without being economic slaves to the same system of domination and control? There are a small number of people who govern this entire planet today. These numbers are barely in the hundreds. They know everything. They have hidden everything. They own everything ... money, countries, ecclesiastical powers, militaries, everything.
You must ask yourself, and seek the answers. You shall know the Truth, and the Truth shall set you free my friends.
John F Kennedy he tried to warn the American people and the human race
If you trace the companies who print our children’s textbooks, you’ll find a Zionist agenda behind them all.
If you trace the companies who print our children’s textbooks, you’ll find a Zionist agenda behind them all.
Lyndon Johnson told America that the North Vietnamese had attacked us in the Gulf of Tonkin. He lied. As a result, Sixty thousands young men of Americans and Five millions of Vietnamese lost their lives in a no-win war.
The Big Lie is an on-going lie.
The 'holocaust can be deceptive. People did die, but not the people that we are told died. Those that died opposed the Zionist creation of 'Israel' and the state is the evidence because their voices were silenced. What if this wasn't the first time they used this tactic? What if this was one of only many in the arsenal of 'deception'?
You might think that it's not helpful to question everything. Where would it end? But, as human beings, our very existence depends on the accuracy of the information we rely upon. So, ask yourself - would you rather live AND die based on lies or on truth?
What if as you were reading someone's post you started to connect the dots? Let's consider something. In 1932 the Zionists were itching to have their 'state' at any cost, sparing no expense. They wanted to destroy the middle class Germans because their military was the strongest in the world and their culture and economy were among the world's finest. By this time Boleshevism, which was initiated by Zionist 'Jews', and Jacob Schiff had usurped the power of the U.S.S.R. so Germany was the last remaining power to oppose them. Well what about the United States you might ask? Well, they had other plans for them.
In 1932, Zionists were in negotiations with Germany for the transfer of 'Jews' to Palestine, but certain elements were threatening a boycott. Zionists hated the assimilated Jews of Germany because, with their influence, they could successfully sway opinions to oppose the creation of the Zionist state. From the beginning, Zionists had no intention of 'saving' Jews that were opposed to Zionism which was the vast majority of European Jewry. The Zionist movement knew that they were going nowhere until they could remove the opposition. But . . .
What if you wanted to get even your opposition to help you attain your goals? Would that not add insult to injury?
What if . . .
In 1932, the Betars' uniforms were almost identical to the Germans in every detail. What if this was not a coincidence? What if, during the lead up to the boycott and the claims of atrocities being committed by Hitler, there was an agent provocateur at work? What if Zionists, who already hated the assimilated Jews, targeted them? Who would know the difference? Of course Hitler would deny it, but the pictures and stories were on the front page. What about that? What would the persecuted Jew say to reporters asking questions? So even with their opposition to Zionism by feeding the 'anti-Semitic' fever with their 'atrocity story' they were helping the Zionist movement to reach their goal
I quote Michey Z; November 18, 2002
“During World War II, Yitzhak Shamir (nee Yezernitsky) was a member of the Stern Gang. Led first by Avraham Stern and later by Shamir, the group called for a state that extended from the Nile to the Euphrates and proposed an alliance with Hitler to bring this about. In the fall of 1940, Stern met with one of Mussolini's agents in Jerusalem. By January 1941, he put out feelers to the Nazis and dispatched an agent to meet with two of Hitler's emissaries in Beirut. "Stern's proposal," explains Christopher Hitchens, "which was rashly put in writing, began by establishing his ideological common ground with Nazism, expressing sympathy with the Hitlerite goal of a Jew-free Europe and speaking of 'the goodwill of the German Reich government...toward Zionist activity inside Germany and towards the Zionist emigration plans.' " Stern proposed the "establishment of the historical Jewish state on a national and totalitarian basis" and offered that he, Shamir, and the rest of the Stern Gang would "actively take part in the war on Germany's side." As a result of this proposed alliance, members of Stern's group would react favorably-in public-to any news of Nazi victories. Even well into 1941, after Stern was killed in a shoot-out and as more and more became known of Nazi racial policies, Shamir took control of the Stern Gang-never renouncing its support for Hitler. In 1986, Yitzhak Shamir became Prime Minister of Israel.”
Are the Zionists real Jews?
99% of the Jewish community is innocent but cynically exploited by their criminal "leaders" who never hesitated to murder them when they didn’t agree to their diktats. Most Jewish people are good and reliable citizens, neighbours, friends and parents in all the country where they are living.
Before 1948 all the Palestinian Jewish community was completely and even violently opposed to the creation of Israel. The Zionists despised and ignored them though they were the most concerned by their project. And is it necessary to recall all the false flag Israeli operations in Arabic countries against local Jews to force them to emigrate in Israel where their life became miserable?
All the people who speak against the "Jews" are thus helping the Zionist mafia to fulfil their darks plans.
The answer is probably in this quote of Jesus on the Pharisees:
"I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Judeans and are not, but are the SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN"…"Ye are of your father, the devil ... He was a murderer from the beginning ... he is a liar and the father of it."
The Pharisees are the real forefathers of the Zionists and therefore of the genocidal state of Israel.
I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan (Revelation 2:9).
Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee (Revelation 3:9).
Every child in every government school world wide is taught The Big Lie.
Governments around this world spread The Big Lie.
Television and cable networks repeat The Big Lie almost daily.
The New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and other major newspapers, all perpetuate The Big Lie.
I’d like to start by saying that I have many reliable sources for my information, and I’m reasonably sure that, with the exception of some minor details, it is factual.
I’m sharing Truth as I and many others know it; not that that necessarily correlates to 100 per cent Truth, but you will hear the same thing from other sources in the months to come.
You may not believe it coming from me. You may not believe it coming from the next source, but at some point, you will come to terms with the new Truth, for to live in denial will not serve you.
We all have to find our own truth. I urge you to research for yourself what I am about to share.
My goal with this section of my blog is to illustrate the countless lies and deceptions that have kept the Truth about many things from Humanity for centuries. I want to clear the way to share the Truth about the history we’re all making today.
These past few years are unlike any other.s, for we know have internet, and more researches sharing information world wide. It will mean the end of all the lies and the beginning of living in Truth and Freedom a freedom most people don’t even dream about because we’ve never really been free.
Many people are still aware and have come to be whistleblowers. I believe these are either hacked NASA information or that an insider has leaked them, because they pertain to many of the lies I have uncovered in my research.
Many have been brainwashed into believing and accepting that what we were taught in school is accurate; that what we hear on the news is accurate. It’s sad to think that for so long, Humanity has missed out on the gifts our Creator gave us and intended for us to have, because of greed and corruption on the part of the dark beings on our planet, but we have to trust that everything is unfolding as it must. Better days are ahead for all of us.
I must say however, that our planet and our people are in such a dire situation right now as a result of the New World Order’s tyranny that we are getting assistance from “above”. You won’t see anything in the mainstream media about this yet, but I believe we will soon

Because of The Big Lie, not just millions, not just billions, but trillions of dollars in private property have been stolen by governments.
Because of The Big Lie, not just millions, not just billions, but trillions of dollars in private property have been stolen by governments.
Because of this lie, billions of people around the world have been denied "the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them"
As we begin the 21st century, we look back on the most violent, barbaric, atheistic and lawless century in human history. Over the last few years in America, over 10,000 people have been murdered each year without government approval. But over the last 100 years, across the globe, an average of 10,000 people per day have been murdered with government approval. Each of these governments claims to be better than the others, but they are all part of the same ideology, the same "New World Order."
Ten thousand government-approved executions require thousands of executioners; thousands of ordinary people just like you who say "I need to feed my family," who are willing to kill simply because the State orders them to, pays them to, or allows them to. When your boss orders you to remove a Christmas decoration from your office cubicle because it is "religious," your boss demonstrates the same lack of virtue that eventually matures into audits, harassment, confiscations, and executions.
"I was just following orders."
That figure -- 10,000 murders per day -- would be much larger if we included all abortions. There are 4,000 abortions a day in the United States, 8 times more in the "former" Soviet Union, and an unknown number in China, where forced abortions are government policy. Genocide is the centerpiece of the New World Order, whose intelligentsia believe that 15,000 people must be put to death every hour in the 21st century.
What will you say when your tender-aged grandchild asks, "What did you do to stop the killing, grandpa?
You will not have an answer if you spent your life believing The Big Lie. You'll have no message for the next generation if you haven't spent years diligently seeking the truth, and opposing the lies of archists. When the government orders you to kill your "surplus" children, you will comply. And when the government orders your adult grandchildren to put you to sleep because you are a drain on our national healthcare system, your grandchildren will follow in your steps.
Archists tell you they are protecting us from bad people like "anarchists," and "saving capitalism from itself," and therefore they are not just a "necessary evil," but a positive good, a social "benefactor."
Actually Anarchists believe that government and any laws are not necessary if they remove your Natural Born Rights, Liberty and freedom must be protected
America's Founding Fathers risked everything to fight a tax that scholars estimate at 3-5%, a tax that was paid to Great Britain. So they were Anarchists. Today we pay ten times more to a genocidal New World Order, ten times more than Americans risked their lives to fight in 1776.
Yesterday, Americans, Canadians had virtue.
Today, millions can't put down the remote control to watch the sports game or some other crap that occupies there time from the real issues . There liberty and freedom are being stripped away.
Great Americans like Jefferson, Madison, and Washington would not be silent in our day.
But they might be in jail.
What is an "archist?" is what an informed and educate person would call Government
An "archist" is someone who believes he has a right to impose his will on others by force. What we have now, thieves who can still billions of peoples money through wall street scams, or enslave you with the private printing press
The use of "force" includes a threat to do harm or violence, a threat to infringe on the other person's life, health, wealth, liberty, or obstruct the other person's pursuit of happiness.
The use of "force" includes a threat to do harm or violence, a threat to infringe on the other person's life, health, wealth, liberty, or obstruct the other person's pursuit of happiness.
Wel that what we have now under the current regime.
This may confuse you. You might ask, "If that's an 'archist,' what's the difference between an archist and an anarchist?"
People have been trained in government-approved schools to believe that an "anarchist" is:BAD
When reality archist is actually the REAL THREAT.
Further on in history to reveal much more evidence of the lie we are living, and the deception of the Elite.
Still working on this more to come
Further on in history to reveal much more evidence of the lie we are living, and the deception of the Elite.
Still working on this more to come
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