John F Kennedy Even Knew The Truth
ACTUAL QUOTE “Hitler will emerge from the hatred that surrounds him now as one of the most significant figures who ever lived… he had a mystery about him in the way that he lived and in the manner of his death that will live and grow after him. He had in him the stuff of which legends are made” - John F. Kennedy,President of the United States of America
They say "the winner's write history," and it is absolutely true; the most egregious example in modern times has to be the mainstream (mis)understanding of Adolf Hitler and pre-WWII Germany.
Adolf Hitler was actually a vegetarian, animal-lover, an author, an artist, a political activist, economic reformer and nominated for a Nobel Peace prize. He enacted the world's first anti-animal cruelty, anti-pollution and anti-smoking laws. Unlike the demonic portrait that history has painted of him, Hitler was beloved by his people and he wanted nothing but peace.
After WWI in 1919 the Internationalist League of Nations Treaty of Versailles enforced draconian reparation taxes on Germany so ridiculous that US President Woodrow Wilson said, "If I was a German I should think I would never sign it." British Prime Minister David Lloyd George said, "We have written a document that guarantees war in 20 years … When you place conditions on a people [Germany] that it cannot possibly keep, you force it to either breech the agreement or to war."
The next year, in 1920 Jewish international bankers (many of them the same involved in creating the League of Nations and the Federal Reserve) began giving big interest-bearing loans to Germany.
By 1923 Germany was already going bankrupt to the Jewish financiers and couldn't continue paying the 270 billion Reichmark war reparations. Unable to even buy back their own coal from the "allies," factories began closing and thousands of Germans became unemployed. In 1924 as revenge for Germany stopping payment to the Jewish international banksters, they devalued the Papiermark so sharply that within months millions of German families couldn't afford food or rent. It took a wheelbarrow full of Paper marks to buy a loaf of bread; thousands of Germans died of starvation.
Stalin and the Jewish Bolsheviks were building concentration camps during this time, using Poland and other neighboring countries as a satellite to attack and takeover German soil.
This was the pretext for Hitler's rise to power. From 1933-1940 Hitler tried repeatedly to make peace with the Jews and "allied" forces even calling for complete disarmament on everyone's part. He was nominated for the Nobel peace prize in 1939, the very year he was attacked on his own soil after repeatedly pleading for peaceful solutions. In 1936 99% of German registered voters went out to vote and 98.8% voted for Hitler.
These 6 Corporations Control 90% Of The Media In America,
The website here has great information and a I recommend you have a look
The Zionists Jewish media has ever since painted an evil picture of Hitler and the Jew World Order has even enacted laws in 18 European countries prohibiting free-speech on the issues of Judaism and the Holocaust. Please read Why the Holocaust Denial? and watch the following videos to see how you have been lied to about one of the most significant men in modern history.

So when you see the news propaganda has been controlled by them and there cronies for a long time.
Remember that the Zoinsts Jewish Bolsheviks (Stalin ,Eisenhower Roosevelt and Churchill killed 65 MILLION PEOPLE)
Hitlers only entered Poland to stop the Genocide with much diplomacy before invading Poland to save 3 million people from death..the was never published
The propaganda from the Zionists had there plans to destroy Hitler as he would not play ball with them and they have been doing this for many years.
Hitler removed the Banking mafia from Germany and this put a huge scare into Zionists fiat dollar and they knew if they let Germany continue other nations would follow suit and there empire would be finished, They staged a propaganda war and started WW2.
Zionist Rothschild and other members of the Banking Cartel who did loan Germany to assist in Finical aid to rebuild Germany wanted more then to rebuild they wanted to financially enslave Germany in debt like they have done to so many nations.
Hitler realized this and started Germany's own monetary system. John F Kennedy did the same thing and murdered these Zionists have much power.
THE BRUTAL MURDER of Muammar Gaddafi by Zionist-owned Libyan insurgents is an example of what happens to political leaders who defy international Jewish bankers.
Gaddafi refused to do the bidding of the Rothschild-centered global banking cartel in 5 areas:
• A Gaddafi-Centered African Union With A Common Currency
• A Gaddafi-Run Central Bank Of Libya
• A Gaddafi-Holding Of 150 Tons Of Gold
• A Gaddafi-Run Libyan Oil Industry
• A Gaddafi-Run ‘Blue-Gold’ Water Reserves
Gaddafi’s main threat to International Jewry’s Banking Cartel was his plan for a common African currency—the gold-backed Libyan dinar—which would have replaced the all fiat-issued US dollar, British pound, and French franc as the main currencies in Africa.
Jewish banking interests were clearly at stake as the US dollar is maintained by the Jewish-run Federal Reserve Bank; the British pound by the Jewish-run Central Bank of England; and the French franc by the Jewish-run Banque de France.
Is it any surprise then that the three major invaders of Libya — America, England, and France — whose Zionist-bought leaders: Obama, Cameron, & Sarkozy, are praising the brutal and slow murder of Libyan chief, Muammar Gaddafi?
JFK instituted measures that would cripple World Zionism and its global cycle of war, financial crises, militarism, inflation, depressions, and usurious debt, all outlined in the Protocols.
First, JFK ordered the Vietnam War stopped and the troops brought home. Vietnam was the latest Oil War. Who owns World Oil? The Rothschilds. They "own" Yukos Oil in Russia and "own" the Rockefellers in America. Do they also "own" the Saudis?
Second, JFK was going to wind down the Arms Race and seek world peace. The trillions spent for "Defense" was never for the defense of America but for an arsenal to enable World Zionism to impose its Capitalism on the rest of the world.
Third, JFK ordered the Treasury to print US currency instead of the Rothschild Federal Reserve Notes supported by the Rothschild illegal income tax. The US bonds, held by the Fed for our Fed currency, pay many billions in interest annually to World Zionism. With a "stroke of the pen" JFK would cost them trillions as well as their domination of global money and finances through debt and speculation
Fourth, JFK intruded on the wage price spiral in the steel industry in favor of labor. The corporate stock of US Steel plummeted, a bad omen for Capitalism
Fifth, JFK would not give nuclear weapons to Israel. Jews invented these inhuman weapons in America and Israel could not have them for its global terrorism. This was unacceptable! Ben Gurion resigned.
Sixth, JFK was going to dismantle the Central Intelligence Agency. The CIA with Mossad are essential for World Zionism's global terrorism.
Seventh, JFK stood in the way of a Zionist puppet in the White House, Lyndon Johnson, who gave up a most powerful position for an office described as "not worth a bucket of pee pee" and as the "gofer" of a man he detested. This decision only made sense three years later.
After JFK, the White House surrendered America to World Zionism. Johnson cancelled all of JFK's anti-Zionist measures, the Arms Race resumed, the Vietnam War was escalated, war debt and interest skyrocketed, nuclear weaponry given to Israel,
Henry Jackson in the Senate made Zionist policy Washington policy, the crew of the USS Liberty was murdered by Israel without a murmur, Treasury currency was withdrawn and interest payments to World Zionism increased, and the "flyspeck in the desert" soared from protectorate to partner to patriarch of Washington.
A few years later, Zionism cost the American people their standard of living by the oil embargo for Washington's subservience to World Zionism. On Memorial Day, let US remember that Washington's War Memorial for millions of veterans was an afterthought to a Museum for a Zionist Myth. The veterans were really "serving" World Zionism
Lyndon Johnson, George Bush and Nelson Rockefeller as well as Mossad, CIA and Mafia in the murder of JFK. The common denominator is World Zionism. There are connections. Who else could join them in a single enterprise? The Warren Commission was suggested by a Zionist, conducted by a Zionist, and its finding validated and promulgated by Zionists and the Zionist press. It was a Zionist hoax like September 11.
It operates through governments like England, Israel and Washington and global corporations, financial and banking conglomerates, international financiers, and secretly interlinked organizations, institutions, "philanthropies", foundations, fronts, and factions with enormous amounts of money at their disposal.
Zionism, by its monopolies, frauds, gouging, usury, speculation, bankruptcies and tax evasion, is amassing the wealth of the whole world
We have a quisling government in America. Washington is the slave of World Zionism just as predicted in the Protocols.
The American people have been conditioned for decades to submissiveness, like Pavlov's dogs, by the Zionist media and its subliminal messages.
The New York metropolitan area (25 millions) is overwhelmed by the Zionist media and its continuous lies and propaganda about war and terrorism.
More history not publicized both sides of the war were financed by the Rothschild Banking Empire which has financed both sides of most wars,and Prescott Bush. G.W.Bush's Father was charged and fined Millions for being the financial front man for the Zionists agenda.
The Bush family still own half of I.G.Farben. The Holocaust chemical company that has now spread through the entire medical and agricultural industry.
Look up operation Paper clip or Sherman tanks Powered by Ford
Adolf Hitler - The Greatest Story NEVER Told
Look Forward To Comments
You will know them by their fruits. What were the fruits of the Nazi movement? If their goals really were to prosper and liberate Germany, did they succeed? Of course not. Germany today is controlled by the very villains that the Nazis supposedly were trying to defeat.
ReplyDeleteAt the end of WWII Germany was totally plundered and devastated and divided into two parts, one ruled by so-called socialists and the other ruled by so-called communists.
All political movements and war do is create more tyranny and suffering.
There are no political solutions to the real problems of life.
You mean all the tech and medical advancements the nazis created?
DeleteYou mean all the tech and medical advancements the nazis created?
DeleteOf course Germany lost. The rest of the world was financed to go against him. The war against Germany was planned at least since 1934. Against Japan too. What are our "fruits"? What exactly did "we win"? I'll wait....
DeleteThe NS Germany was destroyed by Ziopigs all around the world gathering to suppress its revolution, losing in war is not their movements "fruit" as that fault is not of the ideologys or its economical views
ReplyDeleteDid the Americans British and French put the Germans in the same death camps after successfully obliterating the Nazism Wehrmacht? Nazis were just anti human, anti homosexual. Adolf Hitler was a crazy person, the Germans realised it a bit late. Even the Colonel's in the Wehrmacht wanted him dead. Operation Valkyrie was launched. On the other side, democratically elected Mussolini too did the same thing. Zionist business interests were not harmed but 6 million Jews died.
ReplyDeleteWhat utter (mostly) Bullsh!t